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  1. TorMental

    Economics or Legal Studies?

    ^ Actually... eco is all about bs'ing. Lol. I get 17-19/20 and I have to tell you, I bs alot of the things i say because they come to me on the spot. But ofcourse, you have multiple paragraphs for eco - which means it alot flexible in writing one. Simplicity - > Tell then show(Like an increase...
  2. TorMental

    Sick a week before HSC !

    When I get sick... I stop, and become awesome.
  3. TorMental

    labour market policies - economics

    Labour Market Policies essays = One of the hardest to do really well in.
  4. TorMental

    anyone feeling like they cbf?

    Lol, why cbf? You get one shot, make it count. Ok ok, well we burn out... Well then reignite that flame within. Vanquish the disillusioned hope and redeeem yourself from your despondent demeanor!
  5. TorMental

    Feedback from teachers on english teachers!

    The best part is when they diss your handwriting when theirs is jst as worst(without exam pressure). Oh the pleasure we all enjoy.
  6. TorMental

    What are you giving up?

    Half of what you guys say will not be followed up. Hahaha.
  7. TorMental

    So... who's ready?

    I forgot I had the hsc this year. Damnnn.
  8. TorMental


    Am I bad for laughing?
  9. TorMental

    How many hour of study per day?

    I sleep from 7am - 7pm, and then stay up for 3hr regretting how I didn't study. Then go back to sleep and repeat.
  10. TorMental


    Took it, face dried, acne disappeared, the end. (Still get occasional breakouts)
  11. TorMental

    Sharing essays?

    I sometimes combine multiple essays together and rewording every paragraph in my own words + complemented with my own knowledge and style of writing. Just don't copy an essay WORD for WORD, and how the hell are the teachers goin to be like 'thats plagiarism.' Know that theres a difference with...
  12. TorMental

    Anyone else regret choosing biology?

    Not really that much to memorise for biology really. o-o
  13. TorMental

    Do we really care about english?

    ^ You guys seem to care about english... so isn't this a weird forum topic to post it in?
  14. TorMental

    Stupidest thing you've been punished for?

    Lol, beating your step-dad over slipping coffee on your gf. Hilariously. Please elaborate LOL. Once, I was given detention becuz the whole grade was speaking during some yr 5 lineup after lunch. Iono how I was blamed, I was sitting in the front, and a teacher called out the whole grade as not...
  15. TorMental

    Do we really care about english?

    Essay writing for engrish, is not the same as essay writing for another subject. The content of the essay is what makes the essay. The structure, however, is universal and isn't what is 'hated' in english. I dislike the fact that english requires an analyses of technique, quote, explanation...
  16. TorMental

    Do we really care about english?

    bias and subjectivity is always going to happen! noooo =[
  17. TorMental

    Band 6 Prediction

    Expect the worst, hope for the best. Keep working hard, in the end of the day, thats all you should be worried about.
  18. TorMental

    Where's everyone upto with the whole study routine?

    Re: What do you guys during downtime? Yes yes... 'playing with siblings'. Giggity.
  19. TorMental

    Anyone bored of studying already?

    yah i end up playing sc2 after a long day of studying from 9am - 5pm. Then resume study at 7pm. yay!