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  1. MiuMiu

    class of 2003

    Utopian how come you can change your status? Are you a moderator?
  2. MiuMiu

    I sold out.

    as far as I have been told every preference gets treated equally. Just because you put something second, third, fourth so on doesn't mean you will be considered after everyone else who put it first. If you don't get your first pref they go to your second in an identical procedure. The only way...
  3. MiuMiu


    The markers aren't stupid. Remember, they are English teachers (often senior ones at that) that have just taught a class the same content as you are writing about. They know exactly when someone has adapted a prewritten essay to one in an exam and don't look upon it very kindly. The don't like...
  4. MiuMiu

    Who has started writing?

    what you say your gunna do in your proposal doesn't really matter its just meant to show an understanding of the writing process and give an indication of the general direction and medium. I think they expect you to change to a certain degree, cos then what are you gunna have to say in your...
  5. MiuMiu

    Who has started writing?

    I reckon stick with where your strengths lie. I did ext 2 purely for the creative writing. But I spose if you have units to play around with and it won't matter if you stuff up, you could have a go at something new.
  6. MiuMiu

    ee2 assignments online

    yes why?
  7. MiuMiu

    regional schools - how did you go?

    A life at school? Is that a joke? :p
  8. MiuMiu

    Hey Whats The Best School? Best Subject? What School You At?

    what year are you in? Cos you should already have subjects if your going into year 12?
  9. MiuMiu

    class of 2003

    hehe yeah I have to get Laz to change it though, can't do it myself. Ah well I'll do it b4 school starts I guess. And yes school did go heappppsss quicker and I'll take a bet it will go even quicker this yeah. Aaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!
  10. MiuMiu

    Channel [V] doco sunday

    no like the band being rebels and telling the crowd that security are f***ers and stuff thats funny for a little while and then there comes a point where they have to take some responsibility
  11. MiuMiu

    Site feedback/ideas thread

    yep 4 sure I think its a great idea you don't get something for nothing and this is a cheap way of getting it I guess :) :D
  12. MiuMiu

    class of 2003

    before the text put the capital letter be in between two of those square brackets (I would show you but it disapeers in the post) and after it do that same thing but with a / before the B
  13. MiuMiu

    class of 2003

    hehe thanx
  14. MiuMiu

    ee2 assignments online

    were you having a dig just then? I don't get it
  15. MiuMiu

    syllabus requirements

    yep short story is 7000-8000 words
  16. MiuMiu

    media personalities that you dont like

    me too she has totally ruined herself and no one respects her anymore
  17. MiuMiu

    Bridging Courses

    if it says 'mathematics' doesn't that mean 2 unit cos isn't that what they call it in the HSC?
  18. MiuMiu

    class of 2003

    guys it would help a lot if you all added class of 03 to your signatures
  19. MiuMiu

    media personalities that you dont like

    the aim of that ad is primarily to familiarise the public with the product. Which it has obviously done, because you all seem to remember what the ad is promoting, so whether or not you like it, they have achieved their goals And BTW that ad is MEANT to be old fashioned, thats how they...
  20. MiuMiu

    Bridging Courses

    Assumed knowledge is different to prerequisite. A prerequisite for a course is something you HAVE to have done in the HSC to be accepted into that course, whereas assumed knowledge means the level of chemistry in that course is that studied in the HSC and it is just assumed that the student will...