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  1. superbird

    Could you help me with a UAI Prediction?

    I dont understand why some schools reveal ranks and other schools (such as ours) dont. I heard it was against Board of Studies rules to do so, and that ranks can only be revealed after the final HSC exam. Is this correct?
  2. superbird

    Physics Textbook is a good website for dot point syllabus summaries
  3. superbird

    Physics trials result

    You are a mole
  4. superbird

    is this true?

    its bs. u cant possibly cover all the information required to answer the question AND support it with evidence in just 3 words. the markers were either stoned or ur friends believe everything they hear
  5. superbird

    Physics trials result

    get real people. those who received 90% should be cheering and not be upset. i dont know wat they are trying to proove by being disappointed with such a good mark.
  6. superbird

    Marks between first and second

    Today I worked out that I ranked 2nd in Mathematics with 77.95%. My friend ranked first with 78%. Obviously there is a very small amount of marks between us. How would this affect my moderated assessment mark upon completition of the HSC exam? For instance, if I received 85 and he received 75...
  7. superbird

    my business report,plz leave a comment

    make sure to suggest a time frame to implement the new strategies. also i reckon for your conclusion that you should have it in paragraph form rather than in dot points. other than that it looks quite solid.
  8. superbird

    Raw band cut-offs. (Updated: 15/09/04)

    Meaning to say that if I receive 60/100 for the HSC exam for Physics, that is effectively 80/100 aligned HSC mark. ie 60% gets boosted up to 80% for physics.
  9. superbird

    CSSA Trial Results

    My marks were like: 17/20 for mc, 37/40 for short answer, 16/20 for report and 9/20 extended response. So yeh extended response pretty much stuffed me up.
  10. superbird

    CSSA Trial Results

    yeh same here. was a nite before job really lol. generally people usually receive 10% more than their trial mark in the hsc. so i guess im heading for an 89 ;) im quite happy with my mark tho theirs heaps more room for improvement.
  11. superbird

    CSSA Trial Results

    I got my results back today and received 79% which is 3rd in the year. I stuffed up in the last response. How did everybody else go with their results?
  12. superbird


    Essentially there are two meanings: First, hedging in terms of Financial Planning and Managment is when a business reduces risk by paying an insurance company to cover its assets in case they are destroyed. Secondly, hedging in terms of Globalisation is when a business decides to pay for an...
  13. superbird

    physics cssa 04 ^_^

    way too long? as if. it took me a while to get settled into the exam and gather my thoughts. thankgod its was 3 hours and not 2 as I would've been screwed.
  14. superbird

    physics cssa 04 ^_^

    acmilan1987 i also did it that way and got the same answer as you. I think we're probably at least half right. Although is 3000N too strong for a human being to handle lol. Also, wasnt the question asking about Force rather than g-force, i know they're kinda the same thing but still, i guess...
  15. superbird

    Ext-1 CSSA 04

    Not good :|. Some of the wording of the questions was really weird. I couldn't figure out the last question fully. First time ive seen a question like that with two projectiles.
  16. superbird

    Maths in Focus is pathetic

    I will probably fail my HSC because of it. I have noticed that some questions asked in the HSC exam aren't even covered properly in this textbook. I might go and get a copy of Fitzpatrick.
  17. superbird

    Maths CSSA 04 POST UP

    There was a question in the exam (i think its q9 or 10) where there was a table of values given and they asked u to show x= something.t. its was worth 3 marks tho i found it incredibly easy, maybe i did it wrong. all i did was substitute the values from the table into the equation to proove it...
  18. superbird

    Maths CSSA 04 POST UP

    wasn't enough time! :( i skipped parts thinking i could go bak to em later. didnt end up finishing everything. btw my stationary points were all weird like in fractions :/ probably stuffed up those too
  19. superbird

    Catholic trial

    that some1 was lying
  20. superbird

    CSSA Trial

    Goneril, Regan and Cordelia ;p