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  1. Chinmoku03

    Freaking Out...

    Band 5 for Eng would be nice, tho I'd be content with a band 4 ^.^; Lol, I haven't freaked out this year at all. I'm just not a freaking out kinda person, I guess XD I get depressed, tired and feel like I'm over the HSC instead tho >.>
  2. Chinmoku03

    Is my Watch Allowed

    I think I brought my phone into the half yearly's, which wouldn't have scared me since it was in the inside blazer pocket. But I couldn't remember whether I set it on silent >.>; And my ringtone is of my school doing a really crap warcry at the swimming carnival, so it's gonna be quite a...
  3. Chinmoku03

    Is my Watch Allowed

    Shit... I had my MP3 in my pocket for every single trial exam... O.O; Thanks for notifying me of this o.o
  4. Chinmoku03

    Is my Watch Allowed

    I'm curious as to how supervisors can differentiate between programmable watches and digital watches o.O Also, I heard that MP3's aren't allowed...?
  5. Chinmoku03


    Leak? I'm guessing both are acceptable, but would recommend using "clean" pens. You want to make your writing more legible to the marker in any way possible, I guess <.<
  6. Chinmoku03


    Funny, seeing as the very reason why I "don't" smudge with Smoothies is cos I write so lightly >.> Yeah, have seen others in my class smudge all over the place with them, but they work fine for me ^.^
  7. Chinmoku03

    How was your school day?

    No 4U this morn, and I had first period off, so went to school late. Revision for phys, nothing interesting. Teachers for chem and double maths away, so had sub's. Last period off, so went home early. Yep, a very boring day. Usually, this day is my best day ^.^; Most interesting thing today was...
  8. Chinmoku03

    Exam Vs. Normal handwriting

    My normal handwriting is neat, but illegible. My exam handwriting is messy and illegible. So yeah, not much diff. It seems that only 3 people in the entire world can read my writing ATM >.>;
  9. Chinmoku03

    What does your study area look like? (contains photos)

    Re: What does your study area look like? Lol, I remember back when I used to live with my dad's friend, his youngest kid was doing his HSC in 2003. (?) Walked into his room to practise on the piano once. The entire room was covered in notes XD Under the bed, on top of the piano, over the floor...
  10. Chinmoku03

    Hardest Topic in 3unit?

    Quite a few teachers in my school told me that, with permutation, it's either that you get it the first time or you never get it :S They tried convincing us that it'll most likely come up in the HSC as an easy 2 marks by showing us past papers, but the binomial question in the CSSA Q7 this year...
  11. Chinmoku03


    Re: First Preferences? Hurray, less experiments to look forward to than I expected XD
  12. Chinmoku03

    Inspirational Quotes/Movies

    Re: Anyone got any Inspirational Quotes? -.-; I think there was one "greatness" quote from Shakespeare... *Thinks
  13. Chinmoku03


    Depends on what teacher you're talking about. For maths, (I have the same teacher for both 3U and 4U) not really. I don't even do the work he sets, whether it's schoolwork or homework. My maths mark is the result of my own work, not trying to be arrogant. For chem, somewhat. I've learnt from...
  14. Chinmoku03


    Re: First Preferences? Lol nah, I think I'll scare myself shitless if I do XD Besides, I read one of your other posts; Maybe I'll just go overseas somewhere Great, 52 experiments a year. Yay'ness, how I look forward to them >.>;
  15. Chinmoku03

    What does your study area look like? (contains photos)

    Re: What does your study area look like? O.O; You're gonna burn the poor desk too? It's suffered a long and hard year too, carrying nothing other than schoolwork related stuff on it for the entire year T.T
  16. Chinmoku03

    Inspirational Quotes/Movies

    Re: Anyone got any Inspirational Quotes? God, all these "greatness" quotes... The only one I know is: "With great power comes great responsibility." And I can't even remember who said it x.x; I think Shakespeare...? >.>;
  17. Chinmoku03

    Induction question...

    I'm thinking whether there is a restriction on what values x and y can be, but eh Prove that (x+y)n > xn+yn, n >= 1 Step 1: Prove true for n = 1 Sub n = 1: Let LHS = x+y Thus LHS >= RHS Thus true for n = 1 Step 2: Assume true for n = k, k >= 1 So (x+y)k > xk+yk Step 3: Prove true for n =...
  18. Chinmoku03

    What does your study area look like? (contains photos)

    Re: What does your study area look like? You mean school or home study area? o.O I have all my crap on one table; Mum's really pedantic about making the house look clean, so it's difficult to make an entire room messy, since I have to pack up after study XD The table's like a rubbish dump...
  19. Chinmoku03

    Inspirational Quotes/Movies

    Re: Anyone got any Inspirational Quotes? Love this XD
  20. Chinmoku03

    How many significant figures?

    I tend to use the entire number given by the calc until I reach the final answer, where I usually round off to 3dp. Is significant figures the notation BOS prefers? Will I be marked down for answers that are off cos I used decimals instead of significant figures? o.O;