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  1. Chinmoku03


    Just bring one to school. That's what I do. And if you notice when it's running low, replace it. That way, you can say to anyone: "Sorry, I've only got one pen" XP
  2. Chinmoku03


    Not just in the school tho, I see pink highlighters often being sold at places like Big W, K Mart and Target o.O; For single highlighters, the most commonly avaliable colours are yellow and pink, whereas you can pretty much only get green and blue ones in those bulk packs o.o
  3. Chinmoku03


    Yeah, the weightlessness I mean is the one where astronauts only feel weightless, not that they're actually weightless. I'm looking at the second paragraph atm. So, if the astronauts are freefalling, I guess they are falling towards the centre of the Earth with the same speed as a skydiver...
  4. Chinmoku03

    Red Giants and Supergiants

    I see, thanks very much ^.^
  5. Chinmoku03

    Red Giants and Supergiants

    Ok, while doing the investigation, I've been reading books talking about how a main sequence star transforms into a red giant. From what I understand, when the hydrogen in the star core is completely used up, no outward radiation pressure can balance the inward gravitational pressure, loss in...
  6. Chinmoku03


    Could someone explain weightlessness to me? I've read thru some of the common study guides (Macquarie, Excel) and textbooks, (Phys Context, Jacaranda) but none of the explanations made sense to me. I get the formula, just need an explanation. Thanks in advance.
  7. Chinmoku03


    Hm... That made me think and realise that all the "weird" teachers (As classified by the "popular" kids in the school) use really uncommon pen colours o.o My YR10 sci teacher, who happens to be my yearmaster this year, writes on whiteboards with purple, green, yellow and pink, just to name a...
  8. Chinmoku03

    Do you want to go to uni?

    So... your parents want you to be a doctor? Do you want to be one? o.o
  9. Chinmoku03

    Do you want to go to uni?

    Lol you have Asian parents? o.O; I'm in the same boat, esp since my grandad passed away some time during this year and I didn't go back to Taiwan for his funeral. Not to mention my dad's working his ass off in Taiwan to pay for my tuition fees... I'd be pretty screwed if I don't do good -.-;
  10. Chinmoku03


    Can't imagine myself in anything pink either lol. But I figured guys writing in pink can't be "that" bad, right? I mean, it's like one of the three most common highlighter colours I see o.o Lol don't remind me of my Eng teacher. Why he feels it's necessary tell us about his stack of...
  11. Chinmoku03

    Do you want to go to uni?

    God, I've been thinking about putting that down during the graduation ceremony. "Robin wants to become a hairdresser so he can cut his hair himself, which basically means that he will never get a haircut ever again." XD
  12. Chinmoku03

    Do you want to go to uni?

    Personally, I think getting into uni's really easy. It's more about getting into the course I want that's my prob x.x;
  13. Chinmoku03

    Do you want to go to uni?

    Yep, wanna go. Can't think of anything to do if I don't go, so yeah ^.^;
  14. Chinmoku03


    No one said guys can't like pink XD Besides, maybe his red pen was fading in colour...? o.O;
  15. Chinmoku03

    the HSC is not your life!!!

    Haha, same here too. Tho I think I'd die from guilt first before my parents can get their hands on me -.-;
  16. Chinmoku03

    the HSC is not your life!!!

    Hm... Typical Jap kids manage to balance school weekdays that are longer than school weekdays here with cram school on weekends while still managing to hang out with friends, read manga, watch TV, do sport and basically anything that Aus kids here like doing, so I don't see where you got the...
  17. Chinmoku03

    Studing for languages

    Eh, I did Jap in prelim and I found that my vocab really improved when I made friends with a Jap guy in our school. The occasionally Jap in our convo really made my accent sound more Jap. Singing to Jap songs also helped me a bit. This is all speaking wise BTW. Writing and reading, well, Jap...
  18. Chinmoku03


    Lol am I the only guy who prefers blue? XP When I write in black, the colour is so intense, it hurts my eyes. Then again, blue sometimes fades for me, but eh. My eyes are already bad enough, I don't wannt have to squint to make it easier for my eyes to read any notes
  19. Chinmoku03

    What did you achieve today?

    Lol will do ^.^; Ganbade ne! (Fails at romaji XD) As for today... - Fixed up bits of the Eng essay - Marked past paper and did the questions I can't do with tutor. Gone thru 4U as well - Continued chem revision. Still not past production yet >.<;