Search results

  1. R


    I didn't apply. Probably should've. Such is life.
  2. R

    BOS all nighter tuesday/wednesday?

    Me too. Haha. Fuck. This.
  3. R

    BOS all nighter tuesday/wednesday?

    Do you guys wanna come over mine and chill and drink and stuff whilst waiting? (a bit srs)
  4. R

    Where is the Introduction thread ?

    Hi I'm rip fucking root.
  5. R

    Year 10 school certificate results 2011

    You got me. The subjects I'm doing are: English Advanced Mathematics Mathematics Extension One Biology Chemistry Physics Studies of Religion II
  6. R

    Year 10 school certificate results 2011

    Pretty disappointed, but I put no effort in. English - 79 Mathematics - 95 Science - 86 Geography - 86 History - 85 Computers - 96 Subjects I'm doing next year: English Advanced English Extension One General Mathematics Senior Science Ancient History Modern History Studies of Religion I
  7. R

    Are you going to check your HSC marks or ignore them and wait for your atar?

    Of course I'm checking. I'm a weird freak for marks.
  8. R

    Changing from Standard to Advanced in the first term of year 12

    Yes. Before you start year 12
  9. R

    hello internet fwends

    I don't know. :( I don't even know what I'm going to do. :cry:
  10. R

    ATAR Estimate?

    If you have estimated marks then use an ATAR calculator.
  11. R

    hello internet fwends

    Medic- oh… Ummmm… something good?
  12. R

    Ext 2 Maths Overated? Yay or Nay

    Nay. Lol what? Do mx1 2010 and then mx2 now. Tell me which is harder? Mx1 is already a hard subject itself, so mx2, being harder must scale better and all that shit. Also, the first few topics are easy as, you mightn't be singing the same tune at the end of the year.
  13. R

    i need a 70, kids

    I'm here. Who wants my services?
  14. R

    rape is about power not sex

    Wait, so if you have sex with a drunk person it's rape? Fuck.
  15. R

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    Some of mine are just shit but not creepy. :cry:
  16. R

    CHALLENGE: Find someone who does the exact same subjects as me!

    That would be completely pointless. Haha
  17. R

    CHALLENGE: Find someone who does the exact same subjects as me!

    /Doesn't understand this thread. I know, but that's what they were insinuating.
  18. R

    Best Movie Series?

    SCRE4M ftfy Clearly a moron. T2 > T > T3 > T4 Crystal skull was the worst. Isn't that a tv show. Also, wow, massive bump.