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  1. S

    The s1 2008 Uni Results thread

    yay, finally i got back my result. 2 cr, 1 dn and 1 WD
  2. S

    The s1 2008 Uni Results thread

    i m still waiting. sigh
  3. S

    The s1 2008 Uni Results thread

    are you a fourth year student?
  4. S

    The s1 2008 Uni Results thread

    so have you got your result back yet? lol, just curious
  5. S

    The s1 2008 Uni Results thread

    so in this case, my course is 3140. i should get the result by now but it still havent came yet. sigh. drinking coke to keep me awake
  6. S

    The s1 2008 Uni Results thread

    i am 324xxxxx, so what digit is it up to now?
  7. S

    The s1 2008 Uni Results thread

    I got Credit for 1A. A bit disappointed, sigh
  8. S

    Can i get a UAI 85 ??

    just studying hard then you will get it. I think you are on the right track to achieve a 85+ UAI.
  9. S

    my estimate ?

    92.55 is my estimation. Good luck for studying
  10. S

    Civil vs. Mechanical vs. Mechatronic

    is that for second year or second semester?
  11. S

    How did every one go in Phys quiz 1

    Sorry, i didnt take any ss. but i think the question is choosen randomly every time.
  12. S

    How did every one go in Phys quiz 1

    I think i did alright, 8/10. But still a bit sad that i couldnt get full mark. Nice day every one.
  13. S

    What did you think of the Impromptu Design Assessment

    was a question asking about the meaning of interative on the blue sheet?
  14. S

    What will be the impromptut design activity?

    and we will need to produce a short/brief report on monday. sigh
  15. S

    What will be the impromptut design activity?

    Do we have to write a review for a short clip? I remember something like that was told in the Lecture on Monday.
  16. S

    Engineering-Which one?? Which Field??

    why dont you consider mining engineering?
  17. S

    Question about tutorials for physics

    is physics really that hard? Is it achievable to get a C/D/HD for physics? p/s: i hope they will spread the tutorial into smaller group after
  18. S

    Question about tutorials for physics

    I am doing PHYS1121. i have a question about the size of tutorial class. Every class has about 300+ capacities for tutorial so how can we ask question to the tutor? Is it effectively? Should it be divided into smaller group later?
  19. S


    yeah, i completed the quiz with out reading much and i m glad that i passed it.