Search results

  1. S

    First-time Job

    True. So you are a bit late, but keep searching and applying. I find a pretty useful site.
  2. S

    Accompanyist/music job opportunities?

    Correct F.Mus.A so essentially there are 12 grades :) You don't have to go into fellowship, it's not necessary, but it does prove your capabilities.
  3. S

    Accompanyist/music job opportunities?

    Correct, you don't need a degree, but it's better on your cover letter if you have one :)
  4. S

    PIANO: australian last 25 years?!

    No. The quality of that youtube video is not great at all, but if executed well (like I did :shy:) than it sounds spectacular! The thing I've found with most modern music is that the technical aspect is not as important. It's more of the execution that really matters. I mean, for my trial and...
  5. S

    driving test hints?

    I'm quite sure that if less than half your car is not on the side of the road (using the front parked car as a guide) then you don't have to indicate (as shown below). [just pretend that the "<" are not there. They're just there because more than one press of the space bar doesn't seem to show...
  6. S

    ANU - B commerce

    Yep, I also speed (not always), but not by more than 5-10km/h.
  7. S

    ANU - B commerce

    I'm assuming your definition of "super-stud" is one that always drives at the maximum speed limit. If that is the definition, than, yes that is me. Nice, I like ANU even better now!
  8. S

    ANU - B commerce

    Sydney's more like 3-3.5 hours away isn't it? thanks for the compliment :shy: :lol:!
  9. S

    ANU - B commerce

    It would probably have been better to ignore him, but I like your post anyway. ANU is in Canberra and I doubt many people would want to move down there because of it's "...boring...", hence why the UAIs are generally quite low, not many people have the desire to got to Canberra (i.e. some people...
  10. S

    For $20 a year would you become Premium Membership

    Probably not. There are numerous other HSC resources out there that are also really helpful.
  11. S

    Diagnostic Radiography/radiation therapy

    UAI cut- off for 2008 was: - Diagnostic Radiography: 89.10 - Radiation Therapy: 80.75 The recommended/assumed HSC subjects are: - Mathematics Advanced (2unit) - Plus one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics (they highly recommend physics and chemistry)
  12. S

    Most ANNOYING things when Driving

    Agreed. You were an L plater once. Sure, but some people want to make sure that you actually see the L plate and take precautions that there is an L plater and he/she is not experienced on the road. In my opinion, two plates shoud be the maximum amount on the rear of the car and one on the front.
  13. S

    Emptiness with End of HSC

    It's probably a too tempting distraction while studying.
  14. S

    Your bedroom during the H.S.C =]

    Nice spotting. My room is all neat and tidy except for my desk and half of my bay window where I've just dumped my notes down and started studying for the next subject. I still haven't really cleaned it up :)
  15. S

    The Truth........

    Same, except I also tried hard in some other subjects. - I changed my related text for Imaginative Journeys and Frontline at 9pm the day before the exam. - When I wrote some of my practise essays I got so bored I started copying the many samples I got from teachers. - and there's more, I just...
  16. S

    Musical Intruments

    I envy you. I play the Piano (classical and some jazz) Yamaha upright (I can't remember when I got it). I love it though :)
  17. S


    I thought it was a pretty good exam. I would have preferred it if they put something on batteries, radioisotopes and the Solvay process thought.
  18. S


    Not at all :) hmm. The score preview on her website looks rather interesting. Well aren't you lucky. Have a good time with music :).
  19. S

    Thoughts on Music 2 exam?

    Man, what a day that must have been for you and that week :bomb:. lol, at least it's over now :) Ninja studies?
  20. S

    Music 2 Thoughts??
