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  1. KeypadSDM

    the OC

    The US is already a week and a half ahead of Australia, right? What a crock "We'll see it at the same time".
  2. KeypadSDM

    do you do Chemical Engineering???

    If physics is your thing, why not pick another engineering stream?
  3. KeypadSDM

    Maths Subjects

    Fluid Dynamics is quite possibly the worst subject ever invented. I hated it with a passion. Hamiltonian & Lagrangian Dynamics is quite possibly the best subject evern invented. Nuff said. Neither relate in any way to 3rd year physics at all.
  4. KeypadSDM

    staring at chicks.

    I think that was implied...
  5. KeypadSDM

    Examination Results Semester II, 2006

    I can't edit my pre-enrolement, and I can see the same thing as you guys.
  6. KeypadSDM

    Examination Results Semester II, 2006

    Yeah, and I totally found out you totally knew her. I tutored her in maths @ High school. Small world, eh?
  7. KeypadSDM

    Non HSC Maths Marathon

    Score, that means I'm right about how to figure out the values.
  8. KeypadSDM

    Weigh me

    Would that really make it quicker? Plus the scales might or might not be heavier than 1000 packets already. For simplicity, and completeness, assume not. Otherwise it's a retarded question.
  9. KeypadSDM

    Examination Results Semester II, 2006

    Predictions: AERO3560 - Flight Mechanics 1 - 81 MTRX2700 - Mechatronics 2 - 77 PHYS3960 - Quantum Physics (Advanced) - 84 MATH3974 - Lagrangian & Hamiltonian Dynamics (Advanced) - 91 AERO2705 - Space Engineering 1 - 80 Even if these marks are not correct, I still make the following prediction...
  10. KeypadSDM

    Gears of War Xbox 360

    eBay for region free. Looking @ roughly $75AUD including postage.
  11. KeypadSDM

    Battlestar Galactica

    Season 3 is mad and awesome.
  12. KeypadSDM

    Spiderman 3

    Ogm wtf bbq. It's going to be awesome.
  13. KeypadSDM

    Examination Results Semester II, 2006

    For 5 semesters I checked my results every day before they came out. This semester I reckon I'll wait until the mail. Ugh.
  14. KeypadSDM

    We're all going on a... SUMMER HOLIDAY! (Chatter thread)

    Summer holiday plans: NeverWinter Nights 2 Work Going Out - Alot Maths Camp Engineering Camp Beach Holiday
  15. KeypadSDM

    Dead Heart Nuff said.
  16. KeypadSDM

    StuVac & Exam Period Bitch and Moan Thread (II, 2006)

    Well that was a crap exam. I don't want to get my results... Eek.
  17. KeypadSDM

    SRC Reps and Office Bearers for 2007

    Re: SRC Reps and OB's for 2007 You're below the executive punjabi. I'm sure someone who's not as drunk as I am could think of something funny to say about that...
  18. KeypadSDM

    Fields Medals

    Ahh Tao, geekin' it up.
  19. KeypadSDM

    StuVac & Exam Period Bitch and Moan Thread (II, 2006)

    That's actually quite amusing. 1 more exam, 1 more day - comon!
  20. KeypadSDM

    2/3/4 Unit Mathematics Tutoring - 1st in State 4 Unit Maths

    Abstract: For anyone who's interested in tutoring during the 06-07 summer holidays for any of the HSC mathematics courses (not general). General: As a tutor, I won't be 'teaching' any new material per se, however I have a wide variety of notes, problems and past papers on all topics covered...