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  1. beve

    your current favourite song

    Porcelain Heart - Opeth
  2. beve

    Need new tunes.

    IAMX. Chris Corner from the Sneaker Pimps; he has two albums, The Alternative and Kiss & Swallow. Check it out. It's unique, and lyrically brilliant. oh and the new Dukes of Windsor album is drool-drippingly good.
  3. beve

    Snoop Dog, Ice Cube and Bone Thugz

    lol. what a wank this thread turned out to be. certain music appeals to certain people; certain movies appeal to certain people etc etc. its the same with anything else; it cant be argued that "rap isn't music" because it is. i dont like it myself; but what i listen to other people won't like...
  4. beve

    Do you like english

    <3 it.
  5. beve

    your favourite science!

    chemistry... because it's my only science.
  6. beve

    Does year 11 matter?

    its going to be a slap in the face when you have to pick up the slack, though. you do need to be in some kind of rhythm before you amp up to year 12.
  7. beve

    Your favoutire exam conditions

    we had the windows of our exam room open (we had a few demountables) and a bird flew through, brushing my hair on the way. little bastard; I was in the middle of my English paper. heh. now those are exam conditions
  8. beve

    When given an assignment that requires researching....

    Wikipedia to get a grasp on what it is I'm researching; then books books books.
  9. beve

    What does your study area look like? [POST PHOTOS]

    Pretty ordinary really; though the guitars drive me to distraction...
  10. beve

    how would u improve english marks?

    alright; to do well in essay writing; you dont necessarily have to write practice essays upon practice essays; because odds are in the exam you're going to get thrown a topic that is a little different from the angle what you were taking in your practices. when your teacher talks about the essay...
  11. beve

    worst/best english novel you have ever read in school?

    Best: Dracula Worst: Le Morte d'Arthur. Both from Year 11 Extension course. Everything else we've read seems to fall inbetween on the fail-o-meter. But seriously; If I have to read the story of the knights of the round table once more it'l be on like Donkey Kong.. "and Sir Beveiad slices off...
  12. beve

    Looking forward to year 12?

    I'm excited; dropping Extension Math and either Chemistry or Music and picking up English Extension 2. I'll be comfortable with my subjects and this time around, it won't be like running like Usain Bolt into a brick wall. ...well that's how I found the transition, anyway.
  13. beve

    what year 12 subject

    Seconded, sir. Oh, and modern history. Mmmm. Russia.
  14. beve

    Subject Selection for Yr 12

    English Ext. 2 Chemistry Modern History Mathematics Music 1 (will probably get culled in first term) =)
  15. beve

    How many days have you taken of from school?

    id guess about 10-15 this year. i've had a couple off to work on assignments here and there.
  16. beve

    The effectiveness of Energy Drinks/Energy-charged food before an Exam?

    a strongish coffee does me fine. but then again; i am an addict
  17. beve

    'Muslim Massacre' game causes uproar

    Religion is sad.
  18. beve

    English Extension 2 kids?

    sounds interesting.
  19. beve

    English Extension 2 kids?

    yeah! just not sure whether to take it in with 10 units or 12.. oh well.. cant wait =)
  20. beve

    English Extension 2 kids?

    Who's giving it a crack? Discuss. =)