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  1. Ollz San

    Life of Pi

    I've read the book too. At first I thought it was going to be really monotonous. but it's a really well-written book and NOT monotonous.
  2. Ollz San

    The I LOVE THE NOTEBOOK thread

    I cried too! *hides* well, I cried at most "sad" movies. But still.. Rachel McAdams is bloody hot. Ryan Gosling is hot in the movie (this is seriously mad, coming from the mouth of a lesbian) I like the scene when she came back to Gosling with the suitcase. That was a big *SIGH* I...
  3. Ollz San

    Has anyone heard of the band Apocolyptica?

    I don't particularly like the metallica covers but other than that they're great
  4. Ollz San

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    Only when you get a sex-change
  5. Ollz San

    Piercings and Tattoos

    yeah, some people say tragus doesn't really hurt. I lost my lip ring. Never make out with someone when you're wearing a lip ring.
  6. Ollz San

    Bewitched is on!!

    I tried to wiggle my nose the whole time I watched the marathon... oh, so hard..
  7. Ollz San

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    I'm gay. Simple as that.
  8. Ollz San

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    I didn't try to be funny. I've never had a girlfriend. How's that funny?
  9. Ollz San

    Favourite album of 2005 so far...

    Dream Theater - Octavarium
  10. Ollz San

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    -_- I never had a girlfriend.
  11. Ollz San

    Sigur Ros tour (merged)

    why oh why does it have to be so expensive?? ;_;
  12. Ollz San

    The Amazing Race 7

    I love Rob and Amber. Smart, manipulative, asshole, whatever you want to call him, he's great. I personally think they make a good team. How many times have you seen them bickering? :) That's the way to play the game! Whoever said it's unfair for them to be in the show,
  13. Ollz San

    Bi and lesbian girls

    If I remember correctly I cam out about two years ago. My parents, fortunately, are fine with it. Which is significant, since we're asian and all. the whole big deal. I've never kissed a girl, never been in a relatioinship. yes, very sad... I don't think I would ever kiss a close friend...
  14. Ollz San

    Nightwish Fans

    LOVE Nightwish. Listen to the other albums though.
  15. Ollz San

    The brainstorm thread!

    yep, we're also allowed to make anything we want to. which is actually hard for me because I HATE choosing on my own.
  16. Ollz San

    The Metal Thread.

    one of the charateristics of nu-metal is their being influenced by hip-hop and rap.
  17. Ollz San

    The Metal Thread.

    because they're hiphop and rap influenced
  18. Ollz San

    The Metal Thread.

    I don't know what you're into but most of those bands are really good. Only my opinion though. I second the comment on Apocalyptica :) Metal with cello! whoo!
  19. Ollz San

    Bands In Australia?

    some of those bands have played here recently so I'm not sure if they'll be coming anytime soon. not that I'd care >_<
  20. Ollz San

    What's your campus like?

    North Sydney Pros: Big, bigger than most tafe nice new library GREAT canteen within walking distance to st leonards station bus stops outside and across great atmosphere friendly teaching staff Cons: not all subjects are available (some that I would've liked to do) I'd prefer a...