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  1. S

    in one sentence: my IP/GP is about...

    GP: THE PERFECT WOMAN? what is she? who is she? and what the hell did she do with my money? really.
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    Director's Folio - Meat Party

    monday?.....ahhhh geez.... i could hav used the weekend!....mine was due last friday morning....of course i left stuff home and had to race back and get but it was worth it! cause its gone forever!!!! hooray!! and i probably had the most relaxing weekend without it looming over me.....a little...
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    Friends or not friends, that is the question!

    ok.... my group....well we have problems.... we despise each other, it's nut....we fight so much about everything and the teachers put an intervention to our bickering by only letting us talk to each other during supervised i said it's nuts! lol next thing u know we will...
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    ok this is weird i asked m teacher about this today and she said you didnt need a gp rationale now is she a dirty rotten liar... trying to make us fail cause we tended to be bad little chickens occasionally or is she right? my gp is on monday (gulp) and um well this may send me into panic mode
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    What mark will you get in drama?

    i pray i get a band 6! i need to get one .... our class is so cut throat everyone is fighting to be number one and ive been there since year 11, it's so evil... i think we should make a movie about how choosing hsc drama is a life and death im such a drama queen, im...
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    Director's Folio - Meat Party

    oh and my teacher told me when they say 3000 words they mean it cause if your project is the last one to be marked and the markers have had a really really long day they may be put off by the fact that the have read another really long can u see where my concerns are coming from?
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    Director's Folio - Meat Party

    hey guy's im doing df-meat party as well, and the word limit is really a shocker....friday is sumbmission day and its what....wednesday currently sitting on 3330 words and i just wanted to no how strict they r on the word limit cause i got 26.5 for trials and the main concern the...
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    Directors Folio

    i no what u mean about the word limit, it's really killing me. i can't compress my ideas in some sections to just 200 or 300 word limits, it's especially hard in the design concepts because once you get started you just don't want to leave any of your ideas out. my df is on meat party and theres...
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    Group Performance

    we had to perform our finished work at our school performance night last night!!!!! it was so nerve racking!!! it was good to get it over with and supposedly the other markers were pleased with all our performances. tomorrow we get to see the video of it and start making improvements but it's so...
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    anyone willing to move to perth?....... WAPA is a great place to try and get into, over the last few years NIDA has become over rated and WAPA although more theatrical is gaining a huge name for itself
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    Individual Project

    isn't true you can't start log books until a certain date other wise we may as well just start it whenever...any way all the texts change next year! lucky things
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    How was the half yearly

    half yearly was a breeze this subject is lacking real challenge at the present time this yr i got 95.5% and for the end of year 11 i got 98%, honestly i look forward to going to this subject as i know that all this info is easily absorbed its mainly commen sense and a little study on the laws...
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    colourful log books?

    an exception to this of course is the design people sorry i no you guys have to include designs but you all know what i mean by making it pretty sorry
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    colourful log books?

    log books log books log books.....these things are driving me mad! in our class they r constantly the hot topic..."how many pages have you done?" "how come you don't make it more colourful?"..... logbooks don't get marked that why!!! its a competition in our class to see who can fill up the most...