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  1. R

    Premium Materials don't load

    try using a different browser
  2. R

    Double degree or not?

    I want to do B commerce- Accounting at Macquarie. And then i saw B business administration with B commerce- Accounting, only at the cost of one extra year. (PS i know there is accounting + finance and accounting + actuarial, i dont want to do any of these) Do you think its worth it? Im not...
  3. R

    Can't stop Dotaing even during trials

    lol i screwd up half-yearlys due to dota. After that i quit :))) Dont even feel the urge to play again... maybe after HSC..
  4. R

    Does anyone have the CSSA 2002 and 2004 trials for economics??

    >< my teacher only had 2005-2007. Found 2001 and 2003 from resources
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    How To: Destro a years worth of work in 5 easy steps

    i have to disagree on the maximum 4 hours of sleep-- ive stayed awake the whole night to cram 4 times (yes four), and each time i remembered the stuff i did. The last time i did it, i didn't even feel sleepy until like 9pm ><
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    who cares, they are just japanese.

    Stop picking on japan guys- we need our anime from them..
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    trial hsc ipt 2008

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    CSSA Trial Business Studies 2008

    lol bad luck- I probably wouldn't have done protectionism if i didn;t do economics either. Protectionism and free trade is a substantial part of economics so yeh.
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    CSSA Trial Business Studies 2008

    you know that question about flat management and team structures in the multiple choice ? forgot the exact question, but was the answer new organisational behavioural?
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    CSSA Trial Business Studies 2008

    the first question was on methods of government to help domestic businesses - answer was protectionism. lol- it was easy for me cuz i do economics, but some of my classmates got that wrong as well.
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    CSSA Trial Business Studies 2008

    personally i think the multiple choice was a piece of cake !~! It was mostly based on the syllabus
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    Thoughts on Paper 1 of the CSSA Trial Exam

    that fucken heritage home screwed me up bad... On another note, i got to write both creative writing and journeys essays with minimal changes WOOT :)))
  13. R

    Exactly what do we need case studies for?

    hi, id just like someone to clarify for me what do we need case studies for in Business studies HSC? Which questions in the exam? (obviously not the muliple choice).. So short answer/extended response/business report? My teacher didn't really explain it well :(
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    Trial HSC Examinations

    lol urbanstylz i thought we had them the earliest - week 2-4 next term :D
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    whats your record...?

    Re: whats your record...? I never sleep, I'm gay so I don't get to sleep.
  16. R

    whats your record...?

    I never sleep, I'm gay so I don't get to sleep.
  17. R

    Saudi wants divorce after husband lifts her veil

    WOw.. I cant believe u actually said that about higher standards of living... Lol. It has nothing to do with love marriages/arranged marriages, religion or anything like that. The only reason why western countries have higher standards of living and higher life expectancies is because they are...
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    CPA or Big 4

    sorry im totally ignorant about this topic - But i want to become an accountant. What exactly is the Big4? What are the advantages of becoming a big4 accountant as opposed to a *normal*accountant?
  19. R

    Saudi wants divorce after husband lifts her veil

    Fuck up. Ignorant idiot. This has nothing to do with Islam.. Islam doesn't say anywhere that a woman has to cover her face from her husband. On another note, love is not a prerequisite for marriage. Thats where arranged marriages come in. And no, arranged marriages happen in predominately...