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  1. great_gregory


    That's the one. Walk outside down the steps on the eastern side (near the hairdressers :p), and turn right. It's down along the bottom there. :D As you can probably tell, i've only been to the uni a couple of times when i've been in Newie... :rolleyes:
  2. great_gregory


    I can't give you a definate area on the map, but I believe it's on the level below the eating area. maybe even below the bar there. Not terribly hard to find, i don't think. :)
  3. great_gregory

    taking money to uni

    Unless you wanted to give me some, hehehe... ;) I wouldn't imagine you'd need more than the cost of food for the day, and transport, and maybe a little spare. $30 sounds about right.
  4. great_gregory

    how do i find out what textbooks i need?

    Wow, sorry Jess... lmao... I didn't even know that i'd already joined this board over a year ago, till I tried to register again this morning. I'm a newbie, but i'm not... :p :rolleyes:
  5. great_gregory

    how do i find out what textbooks i need?

    Hipsta, go to UserCP, and then to edit profile. One of the options down the page is your title thingy. :) lmao... i think it's funny that you wanna transfer out of science at Newie, while I want to transfer into it. I got stuck with crappy Information Tech... :(
  6. great_gregory


    Eddings is good. Tad williams is good. Traci Harding's first series was good (haven't read the second one yet... :rolleyes: ), CS Lewis is good, Brooks is good especially his last 4 books. But the cream of the crop is Terry Goodkind. No one, and I mean no one comes near this guy when it comes...
  7. great_gregory

    Site feedback/ideas thread

    You could then advertise it on the books to buy and sell page! :D
  8. great_gregory

    Site feedback/ideas thread

    Hey, I was wondering; if I was to upload my assignments to the site, would I gte my name on the 'Thank you' page? And, as my sugestion, I think the very brief summaries of what the files are need to be made not so brief. It's hard to know what exactly what you're about to download. Oh, and...
  9. great_gregory

    Studying for 2003 hsc

    Yes, definately write out the dot points for the syllabus. And here's a tip; start early (NOW!). DON'T leave it until the last week before your exam; you just won't have time. Belive me... :D
  10. great_gregory


    I think the question was asked as a plural because it ment both the domestic economy and the global economy. Think about it; otherwise it wouldn't make sense. How many global economies do you know of??
  11. great_gregory

    Are electives modified for difficulty????

    Well, i don't care if they do scale the sections differently. I did astrophysics, and i reckon i did alright in it. In our class we had a huge fight/debate over what option we were going to do, and i'm soooo glad we did astrophysics. I just took a look at the q2q option questions, and they look...
  12. great_gregory

    HSC Physics Aftermath

    can't leave?? Who says you can't leave? Your school shouldn't be able to stop you. I'm sure that it's a standard rule tht you just have to stay for the first hour, and the last half hour.
  13. great_gregory

    superconductors, generation, transmission and transport Q

    Well, in my opinion they were obviously talking about the Maglev train, because they mentioned the transmission of power in the point above the transport one.
  14. great_gregory

    Personal research on IQ tests (proper and otherwise)?

    hey there, I think I did that one at thespark as well, and i got around 152 I think, but that was a few years ago. That means I would have been around 15 or so. The latest one I did was that nationwide one on TV, and I scored 127 in that. Hope this helps you in your studies. :cool:
  15. great_gregory

    Oh no??

    donne For my conversation, I had two people; one was an average sort of man, and the other was a vicar. I had the ordinary man talking about how he loves the love poems, and how the vicar loved the religeous poems. What do you guys reckon?