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  1. S

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: Getting to know you-(for UTSers only) :p err.., you can, you just hold some key, i forgot. ctrl click i think it is.
  2. S

    First Year IT Camp 2007

    dw, there'll be action this year :santa: so, huratio whats a yellow shirt?
  3. S

    First Year IT Camp 2007

    hey.., umm i don't know if i registerd properly. I filled out the forms and stuff, and took it there but the IT student services window thingy was closed, so i went downstairs to student administraion or something?, anyway i gave it to some lady who i checked my credit card etc, and said she'd...
  4. S

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: Getting to know you-(for UTSers only) :p :p kidding..
  5. S

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: Getting to know you-(for UTSers only) :p ROFL :rofl: that song is fking GOLD!
  6. S

    Laptops and uni.

    :p, whatever helps you sleep at night
  7. S

    Laptops and uni.

    flexible? :confused:
  8. S

    Laptops and uni.

    typed up notes are flexible and neater, you can also print them out if need be.
  9. S

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: Getting to know you-(for UTSers only) :p i always win :p EDIT: best episodes 1-7, before things started getting wierd...(2 and 5 and 6 especially funny..) actually in rl he was sick of being a celebrity, so he asked the guys to phase his character out.. (heard in interview...
  10. S

    Summer School Final Exam Timetable and Rooms

    lol..., glad he's not my they get drunk often? lol
  11. S

    Timetable and Text books :)

    i was reffing to that. :p
  12. S

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: Getting to know you-(for UTSers only) :p -.-, i brought it up :p (but you can have the honor, its nothing to be proud of :\)
  13. S

    Laptops and uni.

    lol, oh one arrives in 2 days anyway :\ my writing sucks btw.., like really sucks, my teachers complained about it last year lol.., so it might help me in that sense. meh, i guess at the end of the day its about wether you use it for what you got it and to its max potential.. i...
  14. S

    Timetable and Text books :)

    lol, uni folk sound lazy :p, although im prolly gonna end up like that anyway :p
  15. S

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: Getting to know you-(for UTSers only) :p coz we're first years?, lol haven't even had enrolment yet.., thursday week.
  16. S

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: Getting to know you-(for UTSers only) :p i don't see the point of that slideshow thingy.., thats another fragile part of the laptop just waiting to be damaged in some way..., and theres no real use for it, but i like your laptops white..
  17. S

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: Getting to know you-(for UTSers only) :p lol, i was worried i was sayin it wrong.., :p, but i wasn't EDIT: yea.., its a new startup company, i didn't feel like trusting them, but 2 year warranty so meh. and azn_gngsta: :p
  18. S

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: Getting to know you-(for UTSers only) :p umm, f3jp. lol, yea..that did sound freakisly geeky.., i've just been looking up laptops for the last few days, so i could actually choose a decent one without getting ripped off...
  19. S

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: Getting to know you-(for UTSers only) :p i second that. :p EDIT: whoa busy forums tonight, 5 posts by the time i posted this.. im getting asus, CD2 XD, ATI X1700 for the games too :) my home comp kind died out, so this is kinda half desktop replacement :D
  20. S

    B Business B computing

    haha same, my school was shyt, but i did some extra eas things as well..