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  1. S

    Enrolment Status

    cool, im accpted :D, thanks. but i still can't find, my uac offer letetr with the pink slip and stuff :|, everything i've done so far has been online..., i hope they keep it updated and complete.
  2. S

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: We Need A DDR Machine!!! my friend won an ipod nano at galaxy world(market city), when we went to eat after uts open day :\, it was one of those stacker machines, 2 weeks later he tried again and he won a kodak camera..
  3. S

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome the New Students' Thread hahaha, wehn me and my friends came to uts open day we played jenga at one of the stalls :\ we built it up pretty high then some wankers came and ended up making it collapse, cuz they sucked..:mad1:
  4. S

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome the New Students' Thread well, actually, im gonna have to jig, 3 days of brdiging anyway, while camps on. but thanks kami, i'll do as you said, take the later enrolment session.
  5. S

    Cant apply for hecs on onestopadmin.

    lol..., i haven't got no uac offer letter, i checked my offer online and accepted..., maybe its in my PO box :\, better go check tomorrow...
  6. S

    Enrolment Day

    aw shucks.... thanks guys, might as well as wait till 2pm..
  7. S

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome the New Students' Thread lol, naw they're free for uts undergrad students :p and i feel bad wasting my privileges..
  8. S

    Cant apply for hecs on onestopadmin.

    i haven't got no pink sheet yet, lucky i read this :\ that is shit..
  9. S

    Orientation Day 12th or 20th?

    lol, you subsituite, periods and other punctuation with a new line poetry posts ftw:p
  10. S

    enrolment helpppppppp

    there is a way to check it online though, only fi you have activated your uts email and remember your uts student number. go to the oritation page which is linked evrywhere and choose the option which says ' i don't know when i have orientation", then it will show you your sessions.
  11. S

    Enrolment Day

    lol, shit the first enrolment session for me is taken, however, i do have a print out of that session when i did have it booked, and now i want to go to it, but when i went to edit my enrolment just now, it doesn't have that 12.30 sesison anymore. I'm thinking about taking the printout i...
  12. S

    O week 07

    thanks, this is gonna be a great help. :p
  13. S

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome the New Students' Thread i have a q: if i don't turn up to a session of the maths bridging course, will someone get pissy?, i wanna go to the early morning enrolment, but thats when bridging is, but i dun wanna risk missing out on my perfecta time timetable...
  14. S

    Enrolment Status

    i donno wtf mine says, can't find it :\, but i better be in or someones gonna get hurt. bad. :D
  15. S

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    i spent the last 2 months looking for a decent job :\, but meh, i cbf anymore and my first year of uni is just round the corner so im going back to maccas :\ pay=shit work=shit only thing is its very flexible, which will be useful as i adjust to uni..., and hopefully egt a better job while im...
  16. S

    BoS UTS Rollcall! Wooot!

    not to alarm you or anything, but there was something on the news about a bush fire near kuringgai.. :\ maybe that'll keep things interesting for you... :\
  17. S

    Enrolment Day

    ok ty very much, lol im not doing BIT ;(, i passed the interviews but my shippy uai :(. anyway, i think im going to go to the earlier session if it hasn't been booked out already, i don't want to risk ruining my first year at uni, even if its unlikely. especially since im starting work, soon.
  18. S

    Need help with enrollment... Thanks

    im gonna camp out -.-, i dun wanna sepnd 2-3 hours there :p
  19. S

    B Bus 2007 Students.

    trains to and from the city are rarely late, i've been using the train for more then 7 years :\, sometimes they suck but in the end its about you if you really wanna get there on time haul ass early.
  20. S


    noooooooooo0000000ooooooo i dun wanna go geek camp :p lol, kiddinh