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    Enrolment Day

    it also says on that pink paper which came with the UAC offer that u should print a copy of your approved eCAF and bring it with you to your enrolment session.
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    BoS UTS Rollcall! Wooot!

    yeh i dunno wat dey look for in personal statements.... beats me.. UTS rejected my internal transfer from fulltime to parttime in the same degree.. but i got accepted through uac n e wayz... =)
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    Sun-major - LOTE

    dont waste a sub major on a langauge at uni.. just do it at ultimo tafe.. which pretty much feels like uts n e wayz..
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    UTS Cadets

    the earliest for Non curernt school leavers is 9am isnt it? im pretty sure i chose da earliest one and it was 9am
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    The Marketing Thread

    luckily for us.. UTS has changed the structure of the marketing major. and you no longer have to choose from Quantitative Marketing Analysis, and Decision Models in Marketing anymore for the option subjects. you can now choose easy subjects such as Marketing of Services, or e-Business...
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    Question about B Business, Kuring-gai campus

    i used to goto kuringgai campus.. and it sucked big time.. i mean the free parking is great !!! but the uni atmosphere is soo dead... its like a ghost town.. i definitely prefer the city campus better
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    BoS UTS Rollcall! Wooot!

    B Business PART TIME (last fulltime year. ie 2 more parttime years of uni) love uni =))) extending the time i take to finsih uni makes me ==)))))))))))))
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    Enrolment Status

    hey new students in My Student Admin.. does your course status say OFFERED? or does it say ADMITTED? cheers.
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    Cant apply for hecs on onestopadmin.

    haeheaheah i had the same problem first try coz i took my time reading every word for word whilst filling it out.. then i logged back in and quickly filled in the blanks and submitted it successfulyy
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    where do u leave now?

    my sister is renting a room in her apartment in the city on Pitt st especially for internatinal students like yourself.. 2 min walk from central station 2 min walk from townhall station. very close to UTS PM me if interested
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    got a surprise offer to UTS - where can i stay?!

    there are many apartments in the city.. where they rent out rooms to students.. however downside to this is.. most of the ads ive seen say Girls only... or Asian prefereed.... its pretty discriminatory.. but thats the reality .. quite sad i no.. but you may be able to find accomodation further...
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    2007 UTS Offers

    2007 UTS Offer: B Business PART TIME pre-2007: B Business FULL TIME pretty happy now i can work fulltime =)
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    2007 Business Students

    im in dis course.. just checked uac today and got accepted to a transfer to PARTTIME... was doing fulltime business b4... pretty happy.. now i can maintain a fulltime job without having to quit when uni starts again. =))
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    Granville TAFE

    i know someone who went to granville tafe and there has been no problems..
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    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Almost Results Time' Thread i failed for the first time ever !!!!!! got 48% .... *cries in the corner*
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    Supplementary Exam Timetable

    shit i got 48% for a finance subject.. who do i contact to take supplementary exam?
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    UTS - Semester 2 2006 Official Results thread + Predictions (Wed 20th Dec)

    congrats to all these high score achievers... all i can say is WOW.... i unfortunately failed Fundamentals of Business Finance with 48%... im wondering if you guys know of any means to obtain a Conceded Pass ?
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    10 reasons why someone should study at UTS

    1 reason for not going to UTS.. if you fail a subject in spring semester.. you cant do it in summer school straight away, as enrolment for summer school closes b4 the release date of final results for spring semester.. which is a pretty stoopid and insufficient system.. where as in comparison...
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    Hidden Discrimination in hiring employees

    hi there... i would just like to shed some light to the hidden demographical discrimination during the applicant searching process for a certain company located in the CBD of sydney.. i have a friend, who works for a company which im not gonna name. The company had an Accountant...