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  1. C


    I was convinced it was going to be a question about Hitler's policies, because last year they did totalitarianism and that stuff, this year for the trials in the Catholic papers they did how he came to power, I didn't even think of whether they would do minority groups. Thankfully I studied the...
  2. C

    Revenge Tragedy

    Essay: Can't remember but I hit the 12 page mark at some point I think. Creative: 10 pages but it was unfinished. I had so much more to write, dammit! The essay was excellent. It gave me an opportunity to explain that what I find fascinating about the revenge tragedy genre is how composers...
  3. C

    Crime/Revenge - what was your story about?

    I wrote a piece in the fantasy/revenge-tragedy hybrid, kind of modelled on "The Crucible" (Arthur Miller) and how the accused took revenge on the person who accused her and the people who joined in the hunt for "the changeling". I liked it, it was a good piece but I ran out of time - the essay...