Search results

  1. M

    NSW Query

    1) Hows the gym there? 2) How friendly is everyone? 3) How about the women? Everytime I drive past there it seems like everyone falls into some sort of extreme minority group...
  2. M

    Vegetarian/Vegan male body building/toning.

    Your shake has way to much protein in it for just 1 meal (unless your well over 110kg...) Also creatine monohydrate (the most commong form) is THE most studied supplement in the world and none have concluded anything wrong with it. Damage to kidneys is false unless you already had...
  3. M

    So dudes, I want an 82-85 UAI

    He chooses not to sell his soul to the BOS. Believe me, I've been there.
  4. M

    Being Healthy vs. Dieting

    In hindsight maybe not the best comment..but people usually attribute health ONLY to fruit and low fat milk/yoghurt/cheese The sugers that comprise those 2 categories are not the greatest for refilling your muscles (put simply). And they go in no direction towards helping metabolize fat (fat...
  5. M

    80+ Uai

    No offense but looking around this forum I noticed your estimates are usualy a lot lower then everyone elses - why is that ? not trying to flame you or anything. Yeh Ryan man you might be a bit disheartened trying to get an answer for 80+...i think like 99% of the people here get a UAI of 95 + lol
  6. M

    So dudes, I want an 82-85 UAI

    I do study though... I'm just pathetic @ chemistry O well..well the subjects I am doing bad at ARE tested harder then the HSC - guaranteed. But thanks either way..
  7. M

    So dudes, I want an 82-85 UAI

    stop....going.....too..raves....wtfbbq?! :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
  8. M

    So dudes, I want an 82-85 UAI

    bump come on...anyone else with some in put? Or does everyone on this site get 90+ UAI's :rofl:
  9. M

    UAC Info

    Yo the UAC has listed 80.05 for a course @ NSW uni, but when I checked on their site it says its an 82 UAI. I emailed the UAC but has anyone heard of this happening before?
  10. M

    Practice Questions

    Who knows where to get some ? I can't find any. Thanks
  11. M

    Tutoring 99.65 Now Accepting 2006 Students

    I had tutoring with Ad. I rate the bloke extremely high especially for english. The information he gave us/helped us with was golden - well worth the money and time. Also get your places soon..the whole year below me will need Ad's help so if you're in year 11 now and reading this..
  12. M

    Misadventure/ illness Appeal

    I'm formulating a plan to make them feel shamed :ninja: well not really. but still.......
  13. M

    Misadventure/ illness Appeal

    dammit I hate misadventures. Most of you blokes have a good reason to apply but there are some people, who I hope read this, are complete shitheads. They move houses down the road from where they were previously...takes them a whole 2-3 weeks...and apply for misadventure? where the hell is...
  14. M

    My deepest apologies

    Man you got OWNED. Luckily I printed out your original post
  15. M

    Vegetarian/Vegan male body building/toning.

    Well if you're interested in building muscle as a vergetarian your main issue will be protein quality. Vegetables/grains alone won't have much in the way of stimulating protein synthesis, but combining a variety of sources (such as lentils, broccoli, some nuts) in 1 meal will go a long way in...
  16. M

    Being Healthy vs. Dieting

    I am the diet master. My diet advice : Be smart, dont starve yourself. Also fruit/dairy is over rated for "health".
  17. M

    Surfers Paradise 2006

    I'm going week 3. From what I read here week 3 has.. - not many people - a much larger ration of men:guys Am I right? that sucks :burn:
  18. M

    hints and tips

    dude have you got notes? seriously if you just read, read, read your notes and remember everything (theres not much to remember) you'll do fine. Have do you have trouble with?
  19. M

    So dudes, I want an 82-85 UAI

    why why you're up late! Thanks for the reply. yes, I'll work, but seriously my marks will drop a fair bit (and thus my ranks) from these trials. Ive heard stories of people pretty much only studying for trails (and doing in different before that) and getting bands 4's/5's and getting a...
  20. M

    So dudes, I want an 82-85 UAI

    Soso. I got the UAC today and saw my course - Exericse and Sports Science - at NSW uni was only an 80.05. Sweet. Anyways I'm not going to ask how "hard" or "easy" it is to get an above an 80 but I do want anyones comments or inputs as to if they think im on the right track or not from their...