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  1. L

    How do you think you'll go

    I thought it was pretty decent. i'm expecting between 100-110.
  2. L

    How do you think you'll go

    I thought all round it was pretty decent there were a few parts that I found tricky but i'm expecting between 100-110.
  3. L

    Mathematics - General thoughts on the exam

    i thoguht the paper was pretty good all the way through except question 10. There for part 2 I prooved that the equsion wasn't equal to what they gave me. loose one mark i hope. part 4 I did a few steps but didn't get x equal to something, father some weird fuction of x is equal to something...
  4. L

    Want to compare multiple-choice answers?

    just for anyone whiose interested heres a rough sample of how most of us seem to have gone in the exam. 1. C C C C C C C A C C C 2. B B B B B B...
  5. L

    Want to compare multiple-choice answers?

    the only question that is in doubt is question 9. I personally put A. This appartatus is the same that functions in a electromagnetic break, it produces eddy currents within the wheel. What I fail to see is why these currents should travel trough a loaded wire at all, where there is greater...
  6. L

    Want to compare multiple-choice answers?

    Again while I put B for question 8 it is actually A. magnetic flux is defined by (B{perpendicular to}A) therefore when the coil is initially at right angles magnetic flux is a maximun. When it is parrelle, no area is being threaded through the field so A becomes zero and flux is zero at 90 degrees.
  7. L

    Want to compare multiple-choice answers?

    Altough I put 10 d as well, its wrong. 10 is a as while the transformer is turned on there is back emf in the wire which means the voltage will gradually rise to a maximun. This constitutes a changing magnet flux which will cause voltage in the secondary coil when it is being turned on and...
  8. L

    Want to compare multiple-choice answers?

    1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.D 14.C 15.B (think i got this one wrong)
  9. L

    question 16 ?

    Unless i've remembered the question horribly wrong, or I made a stupid mistake. Wasn't the quetsion asking for us to move something from the centre of the earth to 80000km away. In which case what puzzels me is how we are meant to calculate the poteintual energy of the obect is when it is in...
  10. L

    Quanta to Quarks people~!

    You'll get two marks I think two for the wavelenght and 2 for the energy state. As for Pauli and Heisenburg, I was lucky enough to write out what they did last nigth and in the 7 mark I just discribed Nuclear reactors and some of the history of Fermi with the first Nuclear pile in Chicargo.
  11. L

    Quanta to Quarks people~!

    About the question of the table values for the Rydelburg equasion, were we meant to use the table values or theroy. I used the table values which I assume were aproximations, will they mark us down for that do you think?
  12. L

    Was English a waste of time?

    I think I’m in agreement with most of you. English is not what it was, and they'd be better going back to the older courses before all this rubbish postmodernism came in. For a subject that has the potential to be the most insightful, interesting and eye opening over the last few years it...
  13. L

    Was English a waste of time?

    For me at least many subjects in the humanities are transforming themselves into a political science. Get this, a year 12 assignment, 10% for the HSC assessment. We were required to make a pamphlet 150 words long and make it as visually aesthetical as possible. I don't know about you but that...
  14. L


    I thought it was my best section simply because i was prepared for it best. i agree that the question was specific, age and youth, but i managed to weave my concepts i thought. I had prerpared for Sailing to bysantium, Second coming and when you are old as an optional. I found it difficult to...
  15. L

    HSC Advanced English is over. How do you feel?

    Like and escaspee from a lunitic assylum, mad with joy. I didn't do the best i possibly could in the exam but it wasn't bad. 2 down only 6 to go.
  16. L

    Order of sections

    BAC Strongest to weakest Yeats, Ros +Gil and hamlet, Frontline
  17. L

    Did you finish on time?

    I had one word to put down they called for pens down. I was heart broken. Forever it will torment me that my last sentence in an English exam was not a sentence. Sob. However it could have worse.
  18. L

    Which modules did you find hard?

    Ros and Gil was probally the hardest. I found that I had prepared for a broad ambit question, with some stuff on natural order and moral decatence, but there wasn't enogh to writew about just on those two ares i found that i was writing on stuff that was pertinent but didn,t relate to the...
  19. L

    Section 3

    The phisical journey essay, to write about the "interpretaion of the new of the new" or something was hard. It was really hard. Fortunately the part that said do you agree with this staement made the question easy, really easy. NO. I found it left me pretty much talking about whatever I...
  20. L

    many people argue against the question?

    I did phisical jouiney but it sounds like the questions were pretty simmilar. Our question was something like "Mostly, physical journey is about speculations of the discovery of the new". As far as i know, most of our year seemed to disagree with the question, something like speculation of...