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  1. alez

    27 Wtf

    27 was the chromium wire one? if so, we had to plot the second wire on the graph (was so close to missing that), work out which one was pure and which was the alloy, and then account for the inconsistent value
  2. alez

    Multi choice Q15

    yeah i got .63
  3. alez

    Multi choice Q15

    sweeeet. bit of a guess what did you all get for the forces acting on the satellite? forget which number it is
  4. alez

    Multi choice Q15

    i think i put conduction band electrons go to the left, iirc
  5. alez

    General Thoughts - Physics

    weird questions only projectile question was in mc wtf was up with that
  6. alez

    Anyone else find physics really... well random?

    too many essay-ish questions, not enough calculations 6 markers suckeddd
  7. alez

    It is 2am

  8. alez

    UAI Guess Competition

    Re: Official UAI Guess Competition User: alez UAI Guess: 97.5 Actual UAI: - Date Signed: 4/11/08
  9. alez

    the pill

    If you break out a lot on the pill, try one of the ethinyloestradiol/cyproterone ones. Like diane or estelle
  10. alez

    MRI - Localising signals

    as in the t1, t2 and proton density? not sure what you're asking...
  11. alez

    Einsteins Special Relativity

    a- as v increases, the term get closer to zero (when v=c, it equals 0) b- as v->c, l->0, m->infinity
  12. alez


    in short, with his theory ofrelativity einstein expanded on plancks bb radiation theory (light in 'packets' on energy) and put forward that light existed as quanta.
  13. alez


    Some materials become superconductors when cooled to extremely low temperatures. Identify THREE properties of superconductors Below critical temp, no resistance Exclude magnetic field lines Can carry large currents with no heat (but i think this is just an expansion on the first one and not...
  14. alez


    the electron is moving close to c, so from its p.o.v length will contract the observer would see the object that is moving contracting in length, not where it is travelling (eg in the q, the electron would be seen to contract, not the crt)
  15. alez

    2006 MC 12 and 2007 13

    anywhere draw it as if the wire is out of page, then the mag field will be a circle then draw a tangent anywhere on the circle
  16. alez


    l=lrt(1-v^2/c^2) .24=lrt(1-.6^2) .24=.8l l=.3m
  17. alez

    2006 MC 12 and 2007 13

    ok checked out 2007 A and B are both parallel, so rule them out. if you draw a diagram with a wire and the magnetic field around it, then use rhpr. (because the mag field is circular, just draw a tangent at any point) then flip the direction you come up with as electrons are negative hope...
  18. alez

    2006 MC 12 and 2007 13

    havent done 2007 yet but 2006 q12 basically, if a charged particle is moving parallel to a magnetic field, there is no force acting on it if you look at the equation F=qvBsinΘ, B does affect F v affects F, but if it is parallel, Θ=90, so F=0
  19. alez

    ATTN: Posters of the Love & Relationships board.

    is pretty funny like the 'formal date rape' thread lmao
  20. alez


    all aboard the fail train!!!! epic fail in my case