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  1. alez

    Newton's law of cooling Q

    at t=o, T=125, so 125=30+A so A=95 then for t=1, 50=95e^k e^k=10/19 k=ln(10/19) k=-0.641853886 then sub in t=1.5 T=66.27381251
  2. alez

    2008 HSC Timetable

    mines pretty good 17th - English 20th - English 24th - Bio 27th - Maths 29th - Ext Maths 4th - Physics 6th - Chem Min spacing is one day. but thats for similar subjects so its all good And i dont mind phys and chem being close. Phys is pretty easy, so ive got like a week mainly...
  3. alez

    Physics HSC Study Guides & Textbooks

    Re: Physics Books to buy excel and jacaranda are pretty good for studying alongside whatever you are learning in school cant go past dot point and past papers for studying for hsc though
  4. alez

    Stronger acid

    so its HCl? and I did get a question asking which one was stronger, from the creelman book fuck
  5. alez

    Umat Results!

    anyone know monash and bond umat cutoffs?
  6. alez

    Stronger acid

    k. thanks
  7. alez

    Stronger acid

  8. alez

    Stronger acid

    Is H2SO4 or HCl stronger?
  9. alez

    K7 S2 help

    identical dna? what about the specific steps to produce a clone? like nucleus from cell A into denucleated cell B. etc
  10. alez

    physics help!!!!!!

    Re: physics help ASAP Ok, I've got DVD and CD assignment, I'll send it to you now
  11. alez

    physics help!!!!!!

    Re: physics help ASAP still need help with CD or given up on that one? I did CD last yr so let me know if u still want help...
  12. alez

    Action potential

    Bit confused on what happens when a nerve impulse is sent down a neuron. Got notes and 2 sheets which all contradict each other. What happens with the Na+ and K+ ions? Notes say that Na+ goes into the neuron and K+ leaves but wouldnt that lead to only Na+ ions inside and no K+ so it wouldn't...
  13. alez

    qtac help

    I cant seem to find bachelor of medicine/surgery at bond to put in my preferences. Its there in the coursesearch but not when I search it in the preference page. Any help? I emailed qtac and they havent replied...
  14. alez

    Australian Citizenship

    Well I'm in the same situation, came here 2001. Im pretty sure u gotta get permanent residency first, which sux cuz its like $3000 or something like that My parents checking it out with council though, u might wanna do that in case u can get around having to do permanent residency
  15. alez

    Rules for Customers

    Dont try and put ridiculously small amounts on your credit card either. And if I say we have a min amount for eftpos dont just stand there and sigh at me. Thats not gunna help much Went to maccas today and some chick before me put 50c on her credit card. like srsly
  16. alez

    Working while undertaking Year 12

    Well at least you can realise that I wont get started on some of the ppl i know...
  17. alez

    Working while undertaking Year 12

    Everyone just assumes they're gunna get a job straight away after the hsc. but srsly its like everyone in yr 12 looking for a job at the same time. And they all just assume its gunna be easy as and they'll get like 2-3 jobs as soon as they want Esp those ppl who hae never worked cause of...
  18. alez

    Working while undertaking Year 12

    I dont see what the problem is with working during yr 12. its only a few hours or so and its good to get out a bit so you dont just have school and study all the time I'm in the middle of trials and i just worked three days in a row. big fucking whoop If you need every available minute to...
  19. alez

    Mobile internet connection

    Not sure on what settings I need to connect my phone to the internet Lg viewty on vodafone But atm it wont connect, anyone know what settings I should use??
  20. alez

    Grav. Potential Energy statement

    I think what they are saying is to disregard where it is and only take notice of the change, as that is what determines the PE. Eg if a particle has xPE at a point a and then moves to point b where it has yPE, its change in PE is y-x, regardless of where a and b are. seems to be stating the...