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  1. MasterP


    I read Catcher in the Rye in one night (or morning I should say) and wanted to blow my brains out after it was over. Yes, perhaps in that era, angst-fuelled first-person narratives weren't all that commonplace - but jesus, it depressed me so much I wanted to reach in and stangle that punk...
  2. MasterP

    BoS USyders 2006! (Roll Call)

    Re: BoS USyders 2006! Good to know I'm not the only one despite the THREE HUNDRED other people that were enrolling yesterday. Flippin' Rad.
  3. MasterP

    "City Of God" appreciation thread

    I started a thread on this luverly little movie about a year ago, and about 4 people replied. for shame i say Excellent, excellent movie.
  4. MasterP

    OLDBOY (spoilers!!)

    Oldboy: I'm lovin' it Watch this Korean movie that came out on DVD here recently. The first time through you might be a little put off by the twist, but watch it again. It's purely awesome in every way. They plan to remake it in America this year (bastards), so I advise you all to watch it...
  5. MasterP

    What the bleep do we know?

    Yeah. New Age, hippy wankery produced by a bunch of cultists. One of my nerd friends recommended it, so I was thinking, "yay, physics" and when I watched it I was all like "wtf" and then... died
  6. MasterP

    BoS USyders 2006! (Roll Call)

    Re: BoS USyders 2006! B Arts and Sciences - fub
  7. MasterP

    USyd Enrolment WAS HELLLL!!!!

    About 40 minutes. Everyone was lined up on the McLaurin staircase like a bunch of stupid sheep. Entered hall. Filled out the first forms in ten minutes. There was a line-up for the academic advisors, so I figured "fuck it" and went straight on step 3. Said "uhuh" to the Indian lady not...
  8. MasterP

    Boy, 8, dubbed rape "time bomb"

    Kids these days.
  9. MasterP


    When did Mudvayne turn even remotely emo? The first CD was alright. Never got a chance to hear their last.
  10. MasterP

    funiiest blind date EVER

    It could've been worse. It could've been his dad. Actually, no. Both of those options suck below the point of distinction.
  11. MasterP

    Do you see yourself marrying outside your race?

    Meh, it's all arbitray. The only labels you should need to consider lie independent of "race", e.g. Hot or Not, Intelligent or Dimwitted, Chaotically Creative or Fastidious. You get these all accross the board. Culture differences and prejudices make it more of an issue. I do have a weird...
  12. MasterP

    covers that are better than the original?

    The Tool cover of Led Zep's No Quarter is quite on par, if not as good as the original.
  13. MasterP

    SNAKES ON A PLANE, bitches!

  14. MasterP

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    This is actualy one of the most unintentionally hilarious movies ever made. Johnny: So, whassup fellas? Nick: Just doing a little a batting practice on your bike. Johnny: It's not mine. It's Sir D.'s Nick: Who is Sir D. Johnny: He's my homeboy. Nick: Yea? WELL HOMEBOY THIS! *swings*
  15. MasterP

    The Da Vinci Code...THE MOVIE

    Yes, I live in a hole under the sea.
  16. MasterP

    brokeback mountain

    I think you've just discovered the name of the inevitable gay porn spoof.
  17. MasterP

    Time to stand against racism

    Gotta love commies.
  18. MasterP

    Which subject is everyone pissed off about?

    English Advanced. I missed an assesment task and they wouldn't let me re-take it, which cost me an additional band 5.
  19. MasterP

    2005 Board of Studies stats

    I think I was the only retard in existence to have gotten 100% in the state Standard English exam back in the preliminary finals, 2004. Then I went up to Advanced and got 78%. BITCH SET ME UP
  20. MasterP

    Parents Reaction to UAI marks

    Hahaha.... When I told my parents I wanted to get above 90 UAI about year ago, they shook their heads and said "You couldn't get that!" and gave me a hope-dashing pseudolecture. They're fucking reverse-stereotypes, I swear.