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  1. C

    ne1 wanna help another lost youngen

    if ure doing general and am generally stuck with logs stick to trial and error. logs is used when u have a number to the power of something. i.e. 2^x=64. i dunno how accurate that one is...havent got a calculator on me but just going logs. It's log 64/log2 or using trial and error 2^8.
  2. C

    Class of 2004

    I did WWI, China and IndoChina. have any questions u can pm me..just a slight thing about it though. We did heaps on china and in yr 12 we did Vietnam after dien bien phu.
  3. C

    Huy has LEFT

    of course id like to help too. i didn't do too badly in IPT. I can't believe Huy has left!
  4. C

    2003 results

    I'm really happy. I got 76% for maths and I think 76 and I ranked top in my class here.
  5. C

    ne1 wanna help another lost youngen

    talkingabt the original question. logs is better. the course doesnt focus on it - its more of a 2U but a maths teacher made it look so easy with logs! and it doesn't take so long to work out and the answers both trial and error and logs should work out the same.
  6. C

    Information on Late Round Offers

    so say I accept a first round offer in Victoria and then decided to change to another course I couldn't because I accepted that offer?
  7. C

    SC mark!!

    HSC is enough to cause anyone a big headache! SC is really only testing your overall general knowledge, while in the HSC you must use the stuff u use in yr 11 for the yr 12 courses.
  8. C

    does n e one on the forum go here

    forget it...not interested in NSW at all or Adelaide or Western Australia or Northern Territory. so my top choice is still la trobe...tough my its my choice.
  9. C

    Exam Thoughts

    well...general maths is rather basic especially when you compare it to 2U maths. The focus on the exam paper in 2003 was on mainly the stuff I was pretty happy with - algebra, trignometry etc. Its not a hard course and its doesnt raise your UAI (general lowers your UAI)), but I liked...
  10. C

    does n e one on the forum go here

    heh not dumb...not one of those 80-90% ppl.
  11. C

    Essay topics

    well...if you want someone to read your essays as soon as you're finished you can post in the history forum and ask for advice as such. when we did WWI last year, the paper was mainly about Christmas 1914...and propaganda.
  12. C

    does n e one on the forum go here

    for some people like me who might not be quite as smart as some of you geniuses out there. la trobe is a great option.
  13. C

    Hehe.. this site getting mentioned on smh.. interesting

    i think its ridiculous. i know for fact...that questions year after year are basically the same the only thing different is that its worded differently. i mean some could memorise essays...but it doesnt do me much good....i wouldnt pass well...i have to admit...the internet is useful but it can...
  14. C

    Full marks

    very interesting stats. surprised about witness though but lawson is my weakness.
  15. C

    2003 HSC Marks

    English (Standard) 2 70/100 71/100 71 4 Information Processes and Technology 2 74/100 77/100 76 4 General Mathematics 2 73/100 78/100 76 4 Modern History 2 74/100 82/100 78 4 Visual Arts 2 69/100 76/100 73 4 Chinese Continuers 2 82/100 82/100 82 5 what UAI possibly? i mean...
  16. C


    its ridiculous. i had to keep redoing it cos of the character length. they cant assess u on such a small limit.
  17. C

    Whtas Sydney like Compared to UTS and UNSW

    history, asian studies languages etc...might go to ANU dunno yet.
  18. C

    Whtas Sydney like Compared to UTS and UNSW

    so for an arts course which one is better...u syd or unsw or something like macquarie..
  19. C

    who's loyal?

    wow im a honky and my cantonese is passable. hmmm...dont get the wrong impression but hong kong is getting better as is china. like ppl dont spit so much now - in hk its an offence to spit - i think its like $600 upgraded now to HK$1500. china is developing into a really good country soon it...
  20. C

    CSSA IPT 2003 Trial

    damn im confusing myself :p ah well