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  1. S

    Do you see yourself marrying outside your race?

    does it really matter? as long as you love someone ... actually scrap that idea. Most marriages happen because of financial/social dependance. but don't hold yourself to one idea. its best that you keep an open mind about these things.
  2. S

    Should Leslie be given a heavier sentence?

    but don't you find it annoying that she likely to earn money out of this ordeal? that simpering bitch is indeed a piece of shit and i make no apologies for that. If she was so holy that wimpering bitch wouldn't have been so stupid to take drugs overseas in the first place. Now you're...
  3. S

    Should Leslie be given a heavier sentence?

    but now her career is flourishing. what the fuck message does that send out to the kids of australia?? if you pop pills and lie in court its the way to go. and maybe on the by and by do the ministers son. if you follow these steps, you will suceed in life. its the australia way. it also...
  4. S

    Australian Idol 2005

    lol. since when did you buy into that australian "multicultural" crap. i thought john howards stance on the "boat people" was enough evidence, and the fact the public favours john howard's stance on the "children overboard" scandal. after all people did vote him into parliament and knew about...
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    Australian Idol 2005

    casey has aboriginal ancestry but nonetheless shes still white. guy is half aussie. kate is full skip. notice how the foreign or the unattractive are the first to go? and that reminds me of something completely different, Nyugens death row. I haven't even seen fotage of him in his cell...
  6. S

    Man cuts balls off

    wow ... what a fucka ...
  7. S

    House M.D.

    i don't like the relationship tangle on house. first of all i hate the demanding bitch (whatsherface the one who demanded he take her out on a date). second of all i don't like the shit that happening with house's ex. they should just leave the relationship drama crap out of house. it just...
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    Australian Idol 2005

    exactly my point. shes white so more people voted her.
  9. S

    piano teaching

    OMG her!!! i got taught by her in yr 2 and she gave me a good mark for my 7th grade ameb. i don't think she remembers me, but wow thanks for the suggestion!
  10. S

    11 things to do with a casey donovan cd

    hahaha shes funny ...
  11. S

    Australian Idol 2005

    maybe kate won because shes white.
  12. S

    Should Leslie be given a heavier sentence?

    oh and look at that. the stupid bitch now wants to sell her story to pay off her "legal fees" which cost "alot" and wow surprise surprise she ditched the muslim outfit. shes such a piece of shit.
  13. S

    Encore 2005

    woah. to whoever got nominated: you beasts!!! congradulations
  14. S

    Should Leslie be given a heavier sentence?

    Leslies pose as a muslim was. stupid bitch. now she might get half a mil for selling her "story". lol we'll wait and see. i bet that she sells her story and gets around Australian law.
  15. S

    Abortion debate

    calm down i'm sarcastic. i hate abbott
  16. S

    Should Leslie be given a heavier sentence?

    i imagined she pissed off alot of muslims after she claimed to be one. You can't run around naked for years, pose as a muslim while ur in jail, then go back to her "career" after she gets out with a 14 cent fine.
  17. S

    Abortion debate

    a woman shouldn't be allowed to have an abortion. we should lock up our women who have had an abortion and put them on criminal charges!!! thank jesus for providing us with Abbott! He will keep our old society family values intact, and women will no longer kill children ever again :) Abbott...
  18. S

    Bush's Creationism in schools remarks

    i should stop arguing. if religion moulds you into the perfect working bee prone to manipulations of the state then by all means believe in what you believe. how about you do this for homework. treat the QURAN as an english text and tell me how it positions the reader to see things, then link...
  19. S

    If You're a Christian, Muslim or Jew - You are Wrong

    wtf are you talking about? obviously that hasn't happened yet so your argument is total crass. god only exists now adays as a comfy idea of a big papa in the sky looking down at us blessing us. ever wondered why religion was abused in the past? religion was a form of mass control, it...
  20. S

    Bush's Creationism in schools remarks

    the bibly contains absolutely no science in it, just mans postulating bullshit. and it never recorded the stages of a baby precisely. and open up ur mind. the bible is a novel. people could have simply added stuff to the bible. the bibly is also sexist and outdated. grow a brain please.