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  1. J

    How FAST did year 12 go?!

    I wonder if Uni will be like this;)
  2. J

    Nooby tutors - your thoughts

    yeah, but some of them are old fashion and they may be teachinf u stuff u may not need to learn. For example the pre stuff which used to be in the old HSC. I guess it depends on who u go to. Some of the younger tutors are really good in that they have a lot of raw energy and also give u the...
  3. J

    New look for the new year

    Hello all, Just thought it would be a nice idea for anyone who is looking for a new job for the new year to have people post down any vancany that they know of to assist them. I know some which are Still KFC in the atarmon areas for full time/ part time/ casual some fastfood joints in...
  4. J

    Write OR Type notes? Which is better?

    I personally wrote it, because my typins is so slow:(
  5. J

    Nooby tutors - your thoughts

    I agree on this. But also, newer tutuor is mor up to date with new syallabus than older tutuors are, not to mention its much fresher in their mind also. But u cant abonden quality.
  6. J

    Medicine anyone?

    Good luck on doing medicine its a demanding course, but alot of rewards later on.
  7. J

    How mcuh?

    In hoyts its even more expensive. It will set u back by over $20 depending on what time of the day and what day u go and see it.
  8. J

    Which star do u like the most?

    Re: bruce baby To be more correct, Jet Li was in the demostration team that toured around the world showing Wu SHu which by the way is going to be in the 2008 Bejing olympic. I wouldn't be supriesed by your comment about them doing 1000 pushups a day, in that in the Jackie Chan auto (Very...
  9. J

    Dawsons Creek???

    When I am bored I watch it, and its not a bad show at all. Really shows the true meaning of life:D
  10. J

    What school do you dislike?

    they really must be a bunch of losers, becasue i never heard of that school. But even so, I bet there are still some nice people in that school perhaps. Its the same with any school I suppose, but I guess u take in the good with the bad and hope that the good outnumber the bad. Another school I...
  11. J

    What school do you dislike?

    hahaha agreed. But the people are nice though, but too smart for their own good:)
  12. J

    There are no jobs!!!!

    also another thing not all call center are based on commisoon. Some call center have soemthing like $14 per hour and that is added with bonuses and commisons.
  13. J

    There are no jobs!!!!

    try boston in chatswood or subway in warringal mall if u live anywhere near there, or KFC in atarmon
  14. J

    BEST STRESS RELIEF (it works)

    the best way in my opinion is to go the steamroom or the beach or the mountains. If u dont have access to any of those I suggest u to just have a punching bag handy and let it all out.
  15. J

    ahhh :D...IM INTO UNI!!!!

    nice work and good luck for the future!!!!
  16. J

    Judge Judy

    u dare accuse me of being a thief???? I challneg u to a duel u scodurel :D Just kidding
  17. J

    The subject I hate most is ...

    I hated bio alot and also I hated business the papaer but not the subject
  18. J

    Judge Judy

    I wouldn't really say its funny in that in the beginning, they sai quote "Real cases and real people". I think the show in my opiniuon really misrepresent how the law sysytem should opeate, and there should be some lines that needs to be crossed and examined. In my opinion, she seems to be also...
  19. J

    Do you feel confident about achieving the UAI which you are aiming for?

    I have to admit that I am in the same boat as u. I dont really know becasue firstly, that damn business papaer really made me disadvantaged, and I dont know how they will mark the english papaer, so I cant really say what I will get. This also goes to the eco essays we did. I think we shouldnt...
  20. J

    Repeating the HSC

    Yeah thats true, some of those stories mind my lanuage is BS in that they are trying to restore false confidence on people and giving them hope, but i guess without hope the human race would not be prospering as a race.