Search results

  1. J

    Did anyone get the report sheet for each subject in the sc folio?

    I didn't get it either & I was looking for it, haha
  2. J

    The First Kiss

    No. I regret kissing the guy .. :S Never kissed anyone else. It was a bad first kiss, haha!
  3. J

    Reliable Perfume Outlets

    I buy mine from strawberrynet. I also buy perfumes from The Perfume Connection. Haven't tried the others and I buy from Myer & David Jones when they have special deals :)
  4. J

    Subject choices for next year

    I'm rethinking my choices :( I saw the class lists & NOT HAPPY. For Ancient History, I am in a class of FOOLS. All guys except for another girl & me. I know those guys will not do work & would rather disrupt the class. Out of the Ancient History classes, the class I'm in is probably the...
  5. J

    Wanted: Tutor :D

    I live in Fairfield so I can meet up around the Liverpool area - if I have to.
  6. J

    Are you ready to put the 'H' in front of the SC?

    I'm ready :D HAHA
  7. J

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    Christmas shopping >=/ - Gold hoop earrings for mum - 3 pairs of earrings & a watch for sister - A car track racing thing for my brother - Jelly Belly jellybeans x 5 for my friends
  8. J

    Wanted: Tutor :D

    Hi :D I need tutoring in the following preliminary subjects - beginning next year. - Biology - English (Adv) - Maths (2&3unit?) - Ancient History - Legal Studies - Business Studies The ones in BOLD are the more "important" subjects that I would like to concentrate on. PM me your info...
  9. J

    Post your 2006 HSC results here!

    2 Mathematics 60/100 65/100 63 3 KAPOW :D
  10. J

    Post Your Sc Results Here!

    English - A - 89 (Band 5) Maths - A10 - 88 (Band 5) Science - B - 77 (Band 4..oh wells) Geography - A - 89 (Band 5..surprising cos I didn't understand our work or the questions...) History - A - 82 (Band 5..weird. I did better in Geography than in History in the SC but at school, I did...
  11. J

    Do they let u go?

    Yeah, we were allowed to leave 1 hour after exam started but not during the last 10 minutes. We were also allowed to go the toilet, if needed but we had to be escorted, lol.
  12. J

    Time-wise, how did you go?

    I had heaps of time left for both of the tests but I didn't want to be the first one to walk out so I waited, LOL
  13. J

    how u went in english+ science ?

    I think I did okay though I have to agree with the English extended response. I ddin't refer to the picture at all, haha! I wrote about ow without hope & being daring, life is not how we know it. And I also talked about the Aborigines & how we have hope & was daring enough to apologise for our...
  14. J

    trials .. ><

    I had my English trials about a month ago. The whole year did pretty bad.. I just went over the basic notes
  15. J

    year 10 rambling ! =]

    I go to Cabra library, LOL Helps with my studying although that library has heaps of randoms.
  16. J

    Adolescents Wanted - This is a survey about you!

    Age: 16 Sex: M/F 1. Tick what you believe to be the recommended intake of alcholic drinks for adult males and females per week. MALES a) <10 b) 11-14 c) 15-18 d) 19-25 FEMALES a) 5-8 b) 9-12 c) 14-17 d) 18-22 2. Circle how many alcoholic drinks you consumed on each day/night of the week on...
  17. J

    The Machine Gunners - Robert Westall

    Hey :) Has anyone studied this for English for their topic area (war)? I am having trouble with it. I was wondering if anyone could help me? TIA!
  18. J

    breaking up...

    All my relationships end on bad terms. Last break up - we broke up two weeks after our one year. It was over long before that. I knew he lied but I made up excuses. Brought out the psycho bitch in me. He just kept saying, "I don't know." Eugh!
  19. J

    really quick survey

    Society and Culture Survey: Intra-personal Communication Age: 16 Gender: Male Female 1. Have you ever kept a diary? Yes No If No go to question 5? 2. Was it for personal reflection (e.g. Dear diary… or Blog style)? Yes No (if no go to question 5) 3. How long did you keep it...
  20. J


    We're having ours in Fairfield at El Roche. I'm not going cos I'd rather spend my money on my year 12 formal. There were so many "formals" being organised so I got confused and gave up trying to find out which was which. We're so unorganised.