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  1. M

    History Quotations

    think about it - who is he denigrating? The relativists of course!
  2. M

    History Quotations

    Indeed he is well-known. He fits a distinct category...
  3. M

    History Quotations

    Guess which historian wrote this?
  4. M

    History Quotations

    'We don't see things as they are. We see them as WE are.' -anonymous
  5. M

    Thoughts on History Extension

    Yeh, you should definately have an item of research in mind before starting the course. As a whole, you'll love the course if you enjoy history. I certianly do, as our class has three students - one a 'left wing socialist sympathiser', another a 'right wing liberal conservative (me)' and the...
  6. M

    Project focus question

    ->How was the dichtomy between leftist and internationalist political paradigms effective in foreign policy and socio-cultural homeogeneity?
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    Criticism Needed for Proposal...10 drafts and counting...

    nerissa, i've read your proposal and am impressed. Just remember that is just your proposal, which is probably some 5-10% of your internal assessment. You wouldn't want to be too shrouded in Spanish dichtomy and find out the 'bigger picture' (HSC exam) is just on the horizon.
  8. M


    You need to sound more articulate - communicate a more linguistic grasp to your writing. Not necessarily what you write(although thats probably so) but how you write it.
  9. M

    For those doing JFK..

    What sub-issues (if you like) are you all doing? I'm doing 'the public and private man' and 'indochina.' i'm willing to share notes.
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    I'm probably going to Albury as well for Podiatry and I have no idea where to live or anything cause I live like 15 hrs away, but that place you mentioned sounds heaps good!!!
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    how many people have applied for nursing?

    Yeh i have I put nursing at Campbelltown as my 4th pref
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    What is the campbelltown campus like?

    Ive never been there before..... what's the general atmosphere like? How far away is it from the city?
  13. M

    Regional bonus scheme

    they give it to 1 school here but not mine for some reason
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    Which topic seems better??

    Im choosing between 'The Stolen Generation' and 'Native Title'. Which seems better or more interesting to you guys? Also, is it true they're gonna close this site down>?
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    Regional bonus scheme

    It says on the CSU website that anyone who lives in NSW outside of metropolitan Newcastle, Wollongong and Sydney get 5 extra points but on the phone they said that Port Macquarie (outside these places) can't get it. Who does then?
  16. M

    Statistics & Lists - Band Percentages, etc. (updated)

    band statistics If the percentage for each band is higher than last year...does that mean it's likely to be scaled down? an e.g Bio last year 2% band 6 this year 8% does that mean Bio is most liekly to be scaled lower or higher than last year???
  17. M

    prediction plz

    modern history - 80 - 5 standard english - 77 - 4 geography - 79 - 4 general maths - 73 - 4 business studies - 77 - 4
  18. M

    transferring 2 physio...

    my absolute dream is to do physio @ Newcastle...cept there is no way i can get the mark :( Is nursing a good subject to transfer from? Like is your chances of transferring improved depending upon the course you're doing? (assuming u get a credit avereage or whatever it is at newcastle) and just...
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    What are good liquidity ratios/gearing ratios should businesses strive for?? Just say they give u a business and its too liquid etc... what is a more desired liquidity or gearing ratio?
  20. M

    Hsc Line Is Full Of Shit

    Nah..I rang up for modern history to ask about nationalist leaders and the guy didn't even know/teach Indochina...hense gave me the wrong answer after a lot of "ummm" and "hmmm" wonder they give that warning thingy at the beginning that the information may not be correct or whatever