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  1. Sweets

    The offical EE2 bitch and procastination thread

    Well my pathetic EE2 mark deffinetly warrants a thread resurection. I got 39 externally. I can't believe it. I didn't think my major work was great, but I thought it was about a 45-46. Bahh, i'm such a loser. Congratulations to everyone else though, I saw some kick ass marks in the other...
  2. Sweets

    Ext 2 English!!!

    I went crap. And with it, my dreams of USyd flushed away. I didn't think my MW was great but I didn't think it was THAT bad.
  3. Sweets

    So what is everyone doing today?

    languishing in loserdom
  4. Sweets

    Top in state - first place recipients notified

    Do we only get to see the top 10 lists tommorow? I'm DYING to see it.
  5. Sweets

    Above or below expectation?

    The whole thing is weird I stuffed up all my englishs which are usually my best I probably ranked in the state in SAC Modern was somehow my 2nd best subject, even though i learnt the whole peace study in 2 days Religion was just bleh
  6. Sweets

    Newspapers.. Merit List..

    Augh, I wanna see. I want to salvage my crapness with a state ranking in society. Is there anyway we can see the state ranks today?
  7. Sweets

    What HSC marks did you get?

    I'm a loser, kill me now 2 English (Advanced) 91/100 94/100 93 6 1 English Extension 1 47/50 47/50 47 E4 1 English Extension 2 39/50 47/50 43 E3 2 Modern History 94/100 94/100 94 6 2 Society and Culture 99/100 98/100 99 6 2 Studies of Religion II 92/100 91/100 92 6
  8. Sweets

    General Discussion on the 2005 HSC marks/UAI

    Ahh what would we do without you glitterfairy. I'm packing now for when I go overseas, so that seems to be making me less crazy.
  9. Sweets

    General Discussion on the 2005 HSC marks/UAI

    Ok so all day I have been feeling uber nervous and now i feel nothing. Does that mean I went bad? Is it just my subconcious resigning myself to my pathetic fate? I need to analyse what this means *runs around in a frenzy*
  10. Sweets

    General Discussion on the 2005 HSC marks/UAI

    My sister is so lame. She's overseas and she was like tape yourself when you're getting your marks, and talk to the camera like its me. Hahaha. I think I am going to be alone, then i'll tell the rest of my family.
  11. Sweets

    Top in state - first place recipients notified

    Congratulations Rench!! Channel ten, do you really need to be smart to top the HSC?, just because some girl said she did sport and charity work. Hahaha
  12. Sweets

    General Discussion on the 2005 HSC marks/UAI

    I feel so sick. I want to get them but at the sametime I don't.
  13. Sweets

    Top in state - first place recipients notified

    Hey Rench do you have Society and Culture?
  14. Sweets

    Post-UAI discussions

    If I get a mark I am happy with these will be my actions 1- Scream 2- Tell my family 3- Email my best friend who is overseas 4- Msg my other best friend Conversely if I get a mark I am unhappy with 1- Scream 2- Tell my family 3- Email my best friend who is overseas 4- Msg my other...
  15. Sweets

    Cronulla Beach Incident

    While I agree with some of your sentiments. What is nationalism/patriotism marked by? A blind allegience to your country? I consider myself really patriotic and I think part of that responsibility it trying to make Australia and better place for all to live and in doing so be critical. There...
  16. Sweets

    Cronulla Beach Incident

    I totally agree. Everyone who was involved in did that to a degree. Those youths who went rioting last night, just used it to further their own agenda for violence.
  17. Sweets

    Cronulla Beach Incident

    The comparison between Western Europe, in particular France is completely invalid. The events in France, detail what the non-existence of a policy such as multiculturalism will do. Since in France there is no such thing as being Algerian-French, you can only be French-French. It also was a...
  18. Sweets

    Got PIP?

    I got mine on Tuesday at presentation night. I found a pencil mark on it, but that was all :p My teacher said the reason for the delay was because of the claims that people got their pips written by tutoring schools etc, so they cross checked all the EE2 and SAC works.
  19. Sweets

    The Offical Tennis thread

    I booked my aus open tickets today. I'm going in the first week 17th-20th..woohoo