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  1. elissa

    Legal studies: In a Month

    head is down at the moment? Are you sure your head isn't looking at a computer screen? LOL Good luck for tomorrow
  2. elissa

    Legal Half Yearly Study Thread

    my schedule for this (upcoming) week: monday - english - paper 2 - Institutions and the Individual Experience (RAW) tuesday - general maths wednesday - FREE!!! Study Legal & Business thursday - legal and business exams friday - SLEEP!!!!!!! Screw school!! what is everone else's schedule?
  3. elissa

    Legal Half Yearly Study Thread

    Sadly I have business after legal on thursday - BAD TIMETABLE, BAD - Thankgod I have no exams on Wednesday so I can cram for Business then
  4. elissa

    Legal Half Yearly Study Thread

    u've already done legal? i just started my 1/2 yearlies - english and economics today quite a bad day really - the office lost my economics question paper and had to get my teacher to bring down another one - so not happy after finding that out I do legal next thursday - in the morning...
  5. elissa

    Legal studies: In a Month

    LOL, my teacher doesn't talk about other subjects, we (the class) just seem to end up talking about non-legal stuff - football, his wife and kids, what happened to so and so etc etc etc LOL, but he's a great teacher so...
  6. elissa

    Class of 2005 - What text are you doing for Physical Journeys??

    Immigrant Chronicle - Peter Skrzynecki .... My related text is Castaway (movie starring Tom Hanks) ....
  7. elissa

    Plz Help URGENT!

    Info attached Hey, I had a look at the figures and wrote up some info and a balance sheet & revenue statement (which should be attached).
  8. elissa

    Plz Help URGENT!

    Balance sheets use Assests & Liabilities - & also owners equity Revenue statments use Revenue & expenses Um, i'll have a look at the figures tonight and post tomorrow and im will also have more info about balance sheets & revenue statements In yr 11 i did accounting - so i might know this...
  9. elissa

    institutionalised inequality????

    dont worry - maths is the only class that happens in - and i get sick of it but then i realise that it just shows that they dont really care about their work - which means that i will go better than them (coz i care). Anway, every other class is reasonably good - sometimes business studies...
  10. elissa

    congratulations 2 you all!!!

    i think its actuallt great that we have people like joe and mel on here. They are great resources. LOL. :D but, anyway, its good to help, and get help - bcoz: helpers: cement their knowledge & people getting helped: more chance it'll be understood by them
  11. elissa

    Age of consent? quick q

    i read that if a person between the age of 14 & 16 has sex - and the person they have consensual sex with believe them to be 16 then the penalties are less severe
  12. elissa

    Legal Half Yearly Study Thread

    joe - shouldnt it be a lower amount? my assessment stimulus material was $15,000 and i looked it up in law handbook and legislation and it said $5000 needed the only the prosecution to agree to it been heard summarily, $15,0000 needs both parties THEREFORE (LOL) - amount for indictable...
  13. elissa

    institutionalised inequality????

    same here - im in a (general) maths where they complain about doing one damn question. I'm so sick of the little bastards who waste my time-Guys & Girls. My maths teacher completely blew up at a few - coz he wrote more questions on the board for the class to do - and some people started...
  14. elissa

    School / Subject

    Camden haven High School English Standard - General Maths - Business Studies - Legal Studies - Economics - Work Studies (1unit)
  15. elissa

    Important: Past HSC Papers papers

    2002 - HSC Q16 a & b - Human rights 2002 HSC Section 1 Part B Question 6 a) Define the notion of individual human rights, and use an appropriate example to illustrate your definition. I wrote: Individual human rights are the interests, powers, liabilities and entitlements associated...
  16. elissa

    institutionalised inequality????

    I go to a public high school - and i can see what ur saying - it happens in all the rest of my classes - even tho there is a max of 25 people. My teacher is excellent tho - the majority of people talk so he concentrates on the people who are listen - which is often just me. LOL. So i'm a fave
  17. elissa

    Crime Discussion Thread

    there's also crimes against the state e.g. (as far as i know) treason, terrorism umm, and we had a lawyer once (when my teacher took time of coz his wife had a baby) anyway, he said u could also include crimes against the sovereign - but that it could technically fit into crimes against the state
  18. elissa

    Where are you up to?

    Did Law & Justice and Human Rights last year Almost finished Crime - i think we have actually.
  19. elissa

    Legal Half Yearly Study Thread

    Legal is my second last exam - right before Business Studies :mad: . I hate it - my 2 best subjects last!! My timetable is: Thurs - 31/03 - English (Paper 1) & Economics Friday - been forced to go to a performance of Shoe-Horn Sonata :mad: Mon - 4/04 - English (Paper 2) Tues - 5/04 -...
  20. elissa

    How is the class of 05 coping with the pressure of HSC

    easier said than done i've have half yearlies in about 2-3 weeks and im already stessing - even tho im generally good in all my subs i dont know how im gonna cope when the hsc actually arrives - probably freak out completely :(