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  1. Seraph

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    i dont see why Australia could not benefit from an overseas coach... why is farina so against it ??? I mean look at Greece and the euro 2004!!!
  2. Seraph

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    Exactly thanks for understanding.
  3. Seraph

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    On another note, looks like Arsenal will be signing this player Emmanuel Adebayo is he any good?
  4. Seraph

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    LoL everton are screwed, no new signings really they should try to get Luyindula, apparently Man City were trying to get him lol...
  5. Seraph

    Phuong Ngo didn't receive a fair trial.

    Dont worry, Schapelle will be freed!!
  6. Seraph

    Pastors reject apology order over Koran comments

    The leader of that Chrsitian radical group sounds like a telemarketer.
  7. Seraph

    R All Males Sleazes??

    Also always when making love ensure food is involved.
  8. Seraph

    R All Males Sleazes??

    Alright alright then what you want to do is fill yourself up with cake.. loads and loads of cake (who cares you are in a relationship now). Once you become like a balloon, then you can pose the question "Do you still love me?", if YES then the relatinoship is working, if No then it is obvious...
  9. Seraph

    when heaps of girls hit on your boyfriend.

    You've got to end this right now You tell him, if there are other women in your life , then you better end it over the next few months. Actually, try to put a restriction on the number of times he can engage in sexual intercourse with them as well. As the weeks progress lower this restriction...
  10. Seraph

    R All Males Sleazes??

    Dont you hate pants?
  11. Seraph

    Tom Cruise cops a soaking

    exactly if i was cruise i woudlve laughed it off and naturally returned the favour by taking a dump on his head.
  12. Seraph

    Typical Aussies Ruin Australia

    anyone can say gday over the internet
  13. Seraph

    dave chapelle in mental institution!

    Its Fake You Oxymorons
  14. Seraph

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    it'll happen ill be cheering high and mighty for Australia
  15. Seraph

    whos a Green Day fan?

    Greenday inspired me to hate John Howard NOT
  16. Seraph

    WoW and good marks?

    During the HSC i finished Both Chrono Cross and Xenogears on Playstation. These are big RPG's that can take time to complete and i still got a uai over 90 u dont fucken play them everyday obviously, but i made myself a specific time to played every week, worked fine...
  17. Seraph

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    sigh... Arsenal star of the future.. what the fuck did he do that for....
  18. Seraph

    The Ashes

    something is seriously wrong when that old man Jayasuria scores 100 against us i mean if it was Sehwag or Kallis or someone yea okay, but seriously im trying to contemplate how exactly this happened..
  19. Seraph

    This friend of mine...

    try taking a dump on my chest please.
  20. Seraph

    Free Russell Campaign

    I forgive Russel for his heart filled apology. He is truly a great actor. Well done son, well done.