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  1. Seraph

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    lol yea man utd , bloody losers
  2. Seraph

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    yet there is still no guarantee for CL next season!
  3. Seraph

    New age girls suck....

    mind if i join in? HELL DAMN CRAP
  4. Seraph

    Black Hawk Down

    no ....
  5. Seraph

    Anyoen have late lectures/tuts?

    no i like listening to rumours
  6. Seraph

    Anyoen have late lectures/tuts?

    lol shit man yea thats what i heard apparently some people got kicked out? But how would they have known which people arent really in the lecture?
  7. Seraph

    GTA San Andreas on PC?

    thers working emulators for ps2!? and the thing u are talking about on filesharing , u sure that isnt a ps2 dump?
  8. Seraph

    this girl...

    no one cares.
  9. Seraph

    this girl...

    Of course im being serious if you'd stop fwapping over your fantasies with man utd
  10. Seraph

    GTA San Andreas on PC?

    yes in June , took fucken long enough
  11. Seraph

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    The Medallion another POS
  12. Seraph

    Does anyone actually like screaming lyrics?

    linkin park is gay and screaming lyrics are good IF they are used moderately, i dont really like the new songs that are plagued with them , it just sounds like they are having major constapation problems.
  13. Seraph

    this girl...

    fine , then just sit in your lecture and actually listen nark.
  14. Seraph

    Anyoen have late lectures/tuts?

    nice me too , i reckon the amount of people in this lecture will be pretty small.. not even full yet.
  15. Seraph

    this girl...

    My advice , if it is really that impossible to actually talk to the girl . Then try this Strategically sit yourself behind her , if her hair is long , grab it slowly so she doesnt notice its actually being tugged on , and then smell it.
  16. Seraph

    this girl...

    leave them alone.
  17. Seraph

    Anyoen have late lectures/tuts?

    I should aye, i mean if there is no roll and FOR SURE they wouldnt check the people that are there , even if the lecture turned out to be packed (full...) ... but i might just try out the late night lecture today if u go to the ealrier one , let us know how it went lol :P
  18. Seraph

    Can Man Utd catch Chelsea in the Premiership?

    Roy Keane is a hooligan who assaults people.
  19. Seraph

    How do you get a girl to like you?

    Well you basically have to use reverse psychology be an asshole , if you see her walking down the stairs.. well then dont be an IDIOT!!! Push her down it already!! Also always remember to tell her how ugly she looks each and every day good luck my friend :)
  20. Seraph

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    uh-huh , well i think they should beat Iraq first and btw they played South-Africa recently , at least they haev some well-known names in there and if we had to play someone we should play the Netherlands.. now that will be a good game!