Search results

  1. Z

    have n e of first year guys/girls formed a group in uni??

    HAHAHAHA nice one dot.... dot.... dot.... :p
  2. Z


    haha yeah same ere leanne typing all the way :D have n e of first year guys/girls formed a group in uni??
  3. Z

    prac / tute times

    PHIL137 4PM W5C.210 MON STAT170 4PM TUES C5C.211 & 1PM THUR SOC175 3PM X5B.132 WED
  4. Z

    n e 1 got secondhand textbooks?

    sam page??? could n e 1 tell me where to go?? -yeh i look round uni ads no psy 104 -they update ... does it really matter?
  5. Z

    stat 170

    hey wots the 2004 edition of stats170 i didnt even no there is one!!!??? -urgent-
  6. Z

    Clubs and Societies?

    HEY is the anime club still open??? I wanna join..........!
  7. Z

    n e 1 got secondhand textbooks?

    if u got PSY 104, STAT170 or CUL 101 PM me and i'll take it off u
  8. Z

    where to get stat170 stuff

    hmmm did n e 1 understand wot the hell was going on in the lecture quizzes?? i was totally lost :( i'm scared i'll fail this... considering i was bored after short while
  9. Z


    so screw tutes right??!! its ok wif me :D
  10. Z

    MKTG101 textbook for sale

    :D YAY!!! dats wot i wanted
  11. Z

    Have many days a week at uni??

    hey dont knock arts students 4/5 days
  12. Z

    MKTG101 textbook for sale

    foragoodcause is most final exams 50%??? :( and how many free days do we get b4 the final exams???
  13. Z


    n e 1 going bak to castle hill???
  14. Z

    enrolling tommorow?

    uhhhh!! beat n e 1 beat 4 HRS!!!!!???? :( i'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm soooooooooooo tired
  15. Z

    enrolling tommorow?

    hey i was wondering if u could go b4 the prescribed time and do the procedures??? Coz my time is really crap for me
  16. Z

    timetable form

    hell yeah if they dont give me wot i want to do i'll be angry! making ur timetable is a good and bad thing
  17. Z

    is it possible

    some1 LUVs uni thankx for dampening uni for first years :mad1:
  18. Z

    B Arts

    comp123!!!! ppl who spend their time using internet explorer n other stuff:D
  19. Z

    is it possible

    hahahaha nice :D altho we should b getting our monies worth out of the professors
  20. Z

    evening subjects

    i was wondering wot r ur gaps in between pracs/tutes n stuff ?? coz i'm worried on what i'll b doing in between a 3 hr time gap:(