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  1. karnevil

    *Funking clothes up*

    Jess, I hope you didnt expect answers any more serious from BOS than the one I've just quoted, lol
  2. karnevil

    Interracial relationships

    Apu: OOH! No wedding ring, I see? Then you're only arranged to be married! LMAO
  3. karnevil

    Interracial relationships

    cause theyll burn me with their 2mg asian cigarettes and drop ddr machines on my head IT HURTS
  4. karnevil

    Interracial relationships

    hah glad you enjoyed that i'd better watch my back tho, those gangstahz will be lookin to stick me in the eye with their needle dicks now
  5. karnevil

    Interracial relationships

    The only 'azns' i can't stand are those pindick wannabe 'gangsters' who hang around George Street thinkin they're hard or some shit OH NO MR AZN GANGSTAH DONT BLING ME WHILE YOURE IMPRESSING ALL THE LADIES WITH YOUR DDR SKILLZZZZZZZ
  6. karnevil

    What do you look for in the opposite sex?

    u seriously have one arm? :/
  7. karnevil

    B Arts (International Studies/B Laws

    lmao tyler, such a champ and santaslayer you are such a UOW troll haha
  8. karnevil

    Muck Up Day 2004

    lmao muck up day was so overrated, the pranks fell flat, we ended up getting drunk instead
  9. karnevil

    Online Survey: Uni students & Stress!

    Ahhhh those Verytrue--Not True surveys mess with my head I feel like even when Im trying really hard that its difficult to give you guys an accurate answer! :confused:
  10. karnevil

    How many hours do you sleep?

    Lol how good is it being able to sleep from halfway thru the morning till the afternoon? weeeeee
  11. karnevil

    Kill Bill vol 2

    Re: Kill Bill Volume 2 SUX !!!!! you need to understand where Tarantino was coming from when he made this film. In the mean time, stop ragging on high quality cinema and go back to your Steven Segal and Jet Li movies
  12. karnevil

    Schoolies week

    Go to Fiji and get loose on kava or whatever its called, that crazy liquor
  13. karnevil

    Communications vs. Business

    I know a girl who was doing Comm/Law at uts (journalism) and now she's 2nd year doing Bus/Law cause she HATED journalism it was either that or Bus/Comm and now doin Bus/Law, not quite sure but she hated communications
  14. karnevil

    Schoolies week

    ive heard that gold coast is worst ever if youre not 18 and theyre absolutely insane about fake id's up there so i'd be careful if I were you. I know heaps of ppl who got caught and fined
  15. karnevil

    All About UOW (Wollongong Uni)

    UOW has its strong points like every other uni. That said, I find it very interesting that wollongong you didn't see those fine details printed on all of the "COME TO UOW WE'RE UNI OF THE YEAR TWICE RUNNING!!!" posters and other print medias designed to trumpet the uni... obviously the PR...
  16. karnevil

    Great places to eat and fun things to do near UTS

    those drinks look feral.... I only ever see asian dudes and dudettes drinkin em tho.. are they really nice? should give em a try if they really arent so bad?
  17. karnevil

    Great places to eat and fun things to do near UTS

    cheers for the tip on the water.... ! so many things you dun learn bout uts until you stumble across them (or someone tells you on a forum!) lol
  18. karnevil

    BizCuts - feeling ripped off?

    theyre trying.... but still i feel like i sorta wasted 10 bucks
  19. karnevil

    Great places to eat and fun things to do near UTS

    three pages and we're off topic people! gold fish.... My vote for best snacks is still the Furama cake shop behind the Prince centre... bbq pork buns... omggggg so cheap so good and if you need a cheap drink, $1 water from 7eleven opposite haymarket campus