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  1. karnevil

    Give yourself the chance to win $10,000/BRW NSSIA

    well considering the exorbitant amounts we pay in fees and HECS it's pretty pathetic to think that we're getting nothing useful in return. Tutorials are there for a reason. The reasons why I wouldn't charge people money for a service I couldn't provide them properly are the same as why I...
  2. karnevil

    Give yourself the chance to win $10,000/BRW NSSIA

    Yeah thanks nupil sorry I didnt reply earlier I've been at uni all day (I'm still here now, I came here to the pc lab after walking out of my accounting tute, my tutor didnt even speak english :rolleyes: realy fukn useful) and didn't get the chance to get to a pc :)
  3. karnevil

    Give yourself the chance to win $10,000/BRW NSSIA

    thanks ay im starting to get slightly worried..... i've paid my money yet nowhere do they mention how to choose/select your stocks, seems a bit dodgy to me
  4. karnevil

    Give yourself the chance to win $10,000/BRW NSSIA

    two questions: 1/ How the fuck do I actually choose my stocks? WHen I login and go to create portfolios, all it shows me is my entry details and the option to edit them! 2/ Where's this "ASX300" page? The website only mentions it, there's no links provided.... help!
  5. karnevil

    lecture slides

    sorry i should have made myself clearer... The notes for FUTURE acccounting lectures aren't up because he's still writing them
  6. karnevil

    recommencement dance party

    Lol glad I didn't bother to go then
  7. karnevil

    What's with the Bands?

    did you ever stop to think that perhaps Japanese Continuers attracts a high-quality candidature? ....
  8. karnevil

    lecture slides

    Economics for Business: CN994 $18.00 get your arses to the fucking union shop and stop bitching :p
  9. karnevil

    recommencement dance party

    Lol seems it wasn't all it was cracked up to be then eh? Lol and braindrainedAsh, I think the "indian" music you're talkin bout is Bhangra, lol.... nothing to make you feel out of place haha
  10. karnevil

    lecture slides

    the accounting business notes arent up because the lectures are still being written, hence they will be updated weekly throughout the semester. As for economics, the lectures have already been written along with all the supplementary material (tute questions etc) so we buy them in a book. :)
  11. karnevil

    BIG PROBLEM! All 24108 Marketing Foundations students read!

    what are we supposed to have done by the first marketing tute? I cant remember
  12. karnevil

    Give yourself the chance to win $10,000/BRW NSSIA

    I paid my fees via direct deposit, will I get a confirmation email when it clears or what? I paid on monday and i still haven't heard from them :(
  13. karnevil

    Rooms for lectures

    look at your timetable online, it will tell you what weeks they're in
  14. karnevil

    Anyone want to sell their business handbook?

    lol wats the RRP anyway? btw, the handbook gets updated every year so the 2003 one isnt really useful is it?
  15. karnevil

    BIG PROBLEM! All 24108 Marketing Foundations students read!

    considering they have to be done before my 1st tutorial which is on monday, and ive got a heap of other shit to do before then as well, i wouldnt call it 'enthusiasm' ....
  16. karnevil

    Textbook Request/Buying/Swapping

    Any part time students who need the Accounting and/or Economics books in semester2, keep note that I'll be selling mine at that time :p
  17. karnevil

    BIG PROBLEM! All 24108 Marketing Foundations students read!

    Everyone's in the same boat. UTSOnline is the only source for this info, it's not working for anyone (from what I've seen).. hence nobody will have done the questions by next Monday. It's still a pain in the arse though! If only one person could get hold of the stuff we need and host it...
  18. karnevil

    How is UNI so far? (first years)

    I didn't like my marketing lecturer at all. He rushed through the lecture and used too many of his own anecdotes like he thought they actually helped? The economics lecturer was so much easier to understand and he didn't willingly skip large chunks of the lecture as he saw fit
  19. karnevil

    Japanese + B of computer science and technology

    erm, look it up in this pdf file