Search results

  1. simplistic

    UMAT SCORE 300, UAI 100/ ENTER 99.95-which uni wuld u choose

    in everything it always depends on ur connections lmao and who u know
  2. simplistic

    To all the engineers out there...plz help

    thats the prob most of my classmates have it in there heads to do either pharmacy or medicine so im like stuck with no idea .. but ive been lookin thru the the booklets various unis send out and i really think syd uni is good .. but then UNSW just seems to have the best of everything and is...
  3. simplistic

    To all the engineers out there...plz help

    well im really interested in doing biomedical engineering umm so where does that put me ?
  4. simplistic

    House M.D.

    house is just something funny to watch when ur waiting for greys anatomy or prisonbreak to start it does have its good points but :D
  5. simplistic

    To all the engineers out there...plz help

    yeh so if we were to compare the science faculty in UNSW and syd uni which is better ? beacuse i honelty cannot pick between these 2 places :)
  6. simplistic

    To all the engineers out there...plz help

    so to anyone in general, if som1 was interesting in diong biomedical engineering which uni would be the best to do it at ???
  7. simplistic

    Most annoying book of all time

    do wordswroth poems count as books ??:P some are infact ok but other eg the prelude are just :bomb:
  8. simplistic

    Which Phone? [D900, V3xx, 6288, N76, Shine]

    so which would u recommend ?? N80 or 6288 ?? (in general)
  9. simplistic

    Which Phone? [D900, V3xx, 6288, N76, Shine]

    its not one of the choices but y not consider N80 ??? compare and see the fones for urself ... either N80 or the 6288
  10. simplistic

    Most annoying book of all time

    science fiction .. farenhiet 415 did drag on and on
  11. simplistic

    uh guys...

    ok mr smart case where is the screen shot from:rofl:
  12. simplistic

    Most Wanted Games? [2007]

    HALO 3!!!!!!!!! when i remmerb the others ill list them down .. halo 3 rocks:D
  13. simplistic

    uh guys...

    judging by the graphics it could be a xbox 360 game
  14. simplistic

    What have you eaten today?

    corn dog fairy floss hotchips coke corn on the cob snowcone eastershow yayayayayayaya
  15. simplistic

    what are you allergic to ??

  16. simplistic

    what are you allergic to ??

    well its not food related but i know som1 who is allrgic to all types or metals except gold :D:D they develope a horrible skin rash though
  17. simplistic

    Is your best subject your favourite also?

    yeh cosmology is mad and i love it but dont do it lol.. by the time i found out about it the sign up date had passed :( hell yes my fav subject is my best ( chem bio physics ) i would be so dead if they werent :D
  18. simplistic

    Someone Has Screwed This Computer. Halp!

    lmao of all threads you had to say that on this 1 :D cbb going on msn im so tired from 2day :P
  19. simplistic


    POTATOES!!!! :D you just cut differnt sized cubes eg 2 cm x2cm x 2cm then place it in hydrogen peroxide( i think ..) then repeat but cut the cubes in half etc
  20. simplistic

    Someone Has Screwed This Computer. Halp!

    ur screwd for life now do all urselves a favour and never allow anyone to download it