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  1. F

    Year 11 Advanced English - Area of Study

    we're doing TIME. can't say which authors coz ppl will know who i am.
  2. F

    Physics Notes - Moving About

  3. F

    HSC Assessments- Thoughts/Results

    good point there. what is the secret...~~~??? [hehehe] well, here goes; english adv 76% :mad1: (average of year) maths ext1 97% (top of year) music2 75%:mad1: (3rd ... out of 7) physics pending (i'll be lucky to get over 90%) chem 90% (2nd ofyear) bio pending (hopefully >90%) this is...
  4. F

    three sciences!! is any1 else doin 3??

    we triplet scientists rule~! it means we have logical reasoning... :P the only downfall is... the BOS is now majority english. so it's not scaled as high AS IT USED TO.:mad1: but lets face it... I wanna career in science, so we might as well do it!:wave:
  5. F

    Anything that you would like?

    I wouldn't mind some more science category stuff... I mean, it's mostly loaded with PDH, Business and history. *hint hint nudge nudge* also... some updated english notes for preliminary advanced~~~~~???? if possible... any sample, REALLY GOOD FULL MARKS essays as examples, i mean... essays are...
  6. F

    English Standard/Advanced

    well, it depends on how well the state goes really... if the average of the state is... say 59%, you'll probably be pulled up to say... 79??? That's what my teachers say, but really, it's up to you to decide if you think its good enough. In my opinion, just get a whole lot of practice...