Search results

  1. V

    Lord of the Rings Fans (obsessive ones included)

    It depends on the reason, I guess. If somebody wants to know Quenya or Sindarin just so they can get their name tattooed in the Elvish letters, get pointy-ear surgery, prance around outside so that they're 'communing' with nature and being all elfy, and overall aspire to 'be' (or more like 'look...
  2. V

    what's sociology like?

    I've done SCLG1001 and will be doing SCLG1002, so if my opinion counts... Readings? Tons. Well, that's partly because I'm a lazy slob, but both SCLG units mentioned state there are approx. 80 pp. of reading per week, although I've often found it to be more. You don't necessarily have to do...
  3. V

    Lord of the Rings Fans (obsessive ones included)

    Not obsessed as such... Love the story though, have read LOTR, the Silm, and UT multiple times -- probably not as much as Bookie though.
  4. V

    B Arts and B Arts Informatics?

    I'll answer the first question for now -- B Arts is just your general arts degree. You have to do at least one Arts major in one of the subject areas provided by usyd, but if you wished you could do two (I think), and it's a three-year degree. B Arts Informatics is like a combined degree in that...
  5. V

    Outrage over anti-rape 'tampon' device

    Hmm. It seems like they've taken an imaginary product (see and are actually hoping it'll work...
  6. V

    Sociology 1001 tute times

    Don't know if you'll find this of any use, but have you tried looking at I have a tute today (that is, Thursday), at 2-3pm, Carslaw 173, if that helps...
  7. V

    Sociology 1001- test?

    All I know is that even if you fail, you still have the chance of passing the course if you do well enough in the other two assessments. Functionalist Sociology is covered somewhere in the textbook readings for either last week or the week before that -- it might even appear in Holmes'...
  8. V

    Sociology 1001- test?

    Just a little, but that's because I haven't finished all my readings. :) I still have to get my head around 'anomie' and all that, but 250 words a question doesn't seem too bad.
  9. V

    Help! Help! I Need To Change My Subjects

    What browser? Those error messages are usually browser-specific, especially if you're using Firefox, or any browser (such as Internet Explorer) with the Google toolbar installed.
  10. V

    Changing unit of study??

    Oh, no advanced subjects, but I'm changing from a language subject, so I thought I might have to give the tutors notice, since I've already attended one or two tutorials... Thanks. :) I might go fiddle with my enrolment then.
  11. V

    Changing unit of study??

    Hey... can you just change the units of study on the internet, or do you have to go into uni and talk to the lecturers/co-ordinators/whoever and have it done personally? (I can risk getting my timetable rearranged on the internet...)
  12. V

    French and German

    Damn damn damn... (I'm doing the same subjects.)
  13. V

    Pride and Prejudice

    Hmm. Interesting. Not as dark and brooding as Colin Firth (in fact, he looks rather cheerful in that pic), but I'll give him a chance. :)
  14. V

    BoS USyd Roll 2005

    B Arts Informatics for me. :)
  15. V

    Arts Network Transition & Mentoring Program?

    Now it says that registrations are closed (I suppose that was my own fault). :( Oh well. Thanks, once again. :)
  16. V

    Arts Network Transition & Mentoring Program?

    Still getting errors, so I'll probably email them... (Thanks anyway. :))
  17. V

    Arts Network Transition & Mentoring Program?

    Has anybody managed to sign up for it via the net? I keep on getting errors...
  18. V

    Pride and Prejudice

    Hmm. I wonder who's playing Mr. Darcy then? I don't think anybody could surpass Colin Firth's portrayal, but I'm always open to pleasant surprises. :D (A fan of both the book and the mini-series here. :))
  19. V

    Tax File number

    I had the same dilemma just a few days ago... You'll have to get a form from the ATO site ( should work), print it out, and fill it in. Find your nearest ATO office (in some cases you'll need to make an appointment), visit them (bring more than one type of Proof...
  20. V

    Do fees get much higher than... works -- the L was missing in the filename extension. :)