This article breaks down how I feel about illmatic almost perfectly.
Check it out, a great read.
Yeh man, I reckon for a few years the prestige and money would be great but after that the glamour would wear off a bit. No doubt it would be great for the experience though.
And yeh merchant banking is where I want to be. I'm sure any high paying job works your arse off but at least as a...
Someone who's been at UTS for a while, how likely is the provisional timetable to change from your past experiences?
I'm hoping to go away on holidays to Sri Lanka on the 26th and my last exam at the moment is on the 16th. I'm first year so I doubt any of my subjects will be after the 26th.
Haha Frigid wait and see how much you like them when you're actually working for them.
My Dad was at Mallesons and it was common for them to have to pull allnighters.
All of them are bloodsucking, they only care about maintaining partners' equities, the client is #1 and the staff are nothing...
Its just an old funk sample, download the mix i posted in the hiphop thread.
Quasimoto (the helium voice) is Madlib's alter ego i.e. the producer of madvillainy.
Yeh but if you do comm/llb you generally only do one commerce major so it is true that the course is diluted, but generally one of the degrees takes prominence, i.e. in the same scenario the student will do a whole law degree but less commerce.