Search results

  1. Soma

    bos won't let me log out

    Yeh BOS is still being a slut and won't let me log out. I want to use one of my 10 alter-ego's :(
  2. Soma

    Who is in to dance music ????????

    HHC is wack fool. Pre 94 Hardcore is aight but after that it all sucks.
  3. Soma

    Who is in to dance music ????????

    Nuh but my friend did and said it was dope, wish i did now
  4. Soma

    commencement party...

    Its wack how you can't smoke in the Glasshouse Bar.
  5. Soma


    Is a reference from woollies even worth having?
  6. Soma

    Happy Hardcore

    HHC is yuk.
  7. Soma

    for those doing business and/or law what are you thinking of specialising in?

    I want to major in finance, do the grad program at ASIC and then get into banking.
  8. Soma

    last 5 CDs u bought/obtained

    mad wicked net props to u!
  9. Soma


    I know what you look like whereas you don't know me. Don't halfstep!
  10. Soma


    Autumn MONDAY 1pm-2pm: Lec Managing People and Organisations 3pm-4pm: Tut Managing People and Organisations 5pm-6pm: Tut Economics for Business 7pm-9pm: Lec Economics for Business TUESDAY 11-12:30pm: Lec Business Law and Ethics 2-3:30pm: Tut Business Law and Ethics...
  11. Soma

    Law Camp

    Many hot girls?
  12. Soma

    Top Places To Pull A Pick Up

    Primary School.
  13. Soma

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    Just heaps of backpackers.
  14. Soma

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    It's true but lots are wankers. If you just want to pick up you should have no trouble on a Wednesday at Coogee Bay Hotel.
  15. Soma

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    Martin Place Bar.
  16. Soma

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    I've only been on Friday's, it's full of bankers and lawyers and the like. Many hot older women. I haven't been to Moulin Rouge for ages, last time was so trashy but fun.
  17. Soma

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    333, Bungalow 8, Martin Place Bar, Dragonfly, Moulin Rouge, Empire, Opera Bar, Bridge Bar, EQ. All these will have older boys though.
  18. Soma

    Do you regularly read any magazine publications?

    the new yorker, the atlantic, the economist.
  19. Soma

    Law Camp

    It's over already.
  20. Soma

    Law Camp

    I didn't send my form in in time and couldn't have got out of work anyway, but yeh I will probs go to the faculty welcome on friday.