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  1. V


    lmao..i havent touched anything @=] i will...but im just taking a long break....
  2. V

    Holidays... can you guys study? the weather makes u feel all Lazy and sluggish
  3. V

    No Maths, Science or History

    aww u guys make history sound fun :(... its a bit too late for me to pick it up..LmaO
  4. V

    HSC in 2006. Are these subjects going to scale me down?

    you cant rely on scaling to get a uai of 90+ ur not gonna get scaled if you perform really bad in it!!!
  5. V

    What subjects are you doing?

    depends on how well you perform in them
  6. V

    No Maths, Science or History

    lol how come!?!? =|
  7. V

    HSC Assessments- Thoughts/Results

    man who cares.. there are other options to go to if you dont perform to the best of your standards.... in 5-10yrs probably wouldnt even remember wat you got in any of you god damn exams.... tsk
  8. V

    HSC Assessments- Thoughts/Results

    woah thats sooo good!!!
  9. V

    No Maths, Science or History

    i sooo wished i chose HIstory!! but i didnt coz it was clashing subjects on my timetable... =( im doin biology...its not that bad...
  10. V

    your 2007 uni courses

    i was thinkin of doin Hospitality Management..but im not sure yet..mite change my mind later in the year... i was also thinking journalism...or teaching....
  11. V

    HSC Assessments- Thoughts/Results

    omg u guys r like...really smart!! freaky!!
  12. V

    What subjects are you doing?

    im only doin 10units because those are the ones i am performing well in them..had to drop the other subject coz i sucked at it..and i no it wont have counted into my best 10units
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    HSC in 2006. Are these subjects going to scale me down?

    omg watsup with people and scaling? it pisses me off when i see people who choose subjects based on scaling.... i chose subjects that i am excelling in..and managed to top 3 of them...
  14. V

    No Maths, Science or History

    neh.. i dont do maths..i dropped 2U coz i was failing miserably in it...and i hated the teacher... but now i feel much better without maths..and managed to top yr11 food tech, hospitality and english =D
  15. V

    HSC Assessments- Thoughts/Results

    .. most of my assessments are probably in term 1...but i got 15/15 for my food tech assess and 17/20 for my legal assess
  16. V

    Yearlies- results

    Lol lol have u guys tried adding ur marks in the SAM..student assessment to see the UAI...heh
  17. V

    Yearlies- results

    Ahoy there again Wow...all of u have really good marks....i guess we gotta do better for Yr12...but thumbs up on all of u :) take care... lol i got my Bio marks back...71%....i didnt even study =\
  18. V

    Yearlies- results

    Yearly Exams I got most of my exam marks back... Im 1st in Food Tech (96%) Im 1st in Hospitality (93%) Im 1st in English (85%) LoL i failed Maths (46%) I got 69% for Legal and i didnt get my Biology marks back... >=\