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    MArk effect?

    Hey i'm just wondering if my school mark is a 92 for bus (ranked 2nd) first is 93 and in my HSC i get a mark of 94 for the actual exam.. any ideas what my overall mark will be? considering i beat the person coming first (he gets something like 90)... any ideas?
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    Rank Affect?

    ah ok ty so study hard and let fate do the rest :D
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    Rank Affect?

    hey i'm just wondering that if i came 2nd in any subject at school, although in the HSC i beat the person ranked first would i end up getting a higher mark? Or will it even off, or do i have to get above them by around 5+ marks to beat them?
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    Yer the qantas case study is pretty good, although it does lack several key notes but overall it is pretty good and is a great secondary resource. :rofl:
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    Secret to achieving 95+ in pdh???

    hmm makes alot of sense since i got holidays right now i'll try to start doing some trial/hsc papers and follow your advice. TY :D
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    PDHPE Half Yearlys

    mine was comprised of 20 multiple choice questions, 10 marks worth of short answers and 20 marks worth of extended responses. I got 95%, but it was meant to be 97 but i changed an answer which was right. But all in all a good exam :D ;)
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    Secret to achieving 95+ in pdh???

    ty for all info so far i got 95% for my half-yearly, so that "+" is looming. :D:cool: :uhhuh:
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    PDHPE Half Yearlys

    i did my half yearly but im pretty sure i won't go good cause of my teacher, he doesn't know how to mark. listen to this it happened three times. We had to do some hsc questions in class on core 1 and 2 i finished mine pretty quickly and gave it to my friend to copy, he copied it word by...
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    Secret to achieving 95+ in pdh???

    yer that sounds very economical and realistic. i GOT MY HALF YEARLIES SOON so hopefully i'll do well lol.
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    2006 Hsc Question

    My perception of this question is that it's targeting human nature. Your thesis should focus on human nature and target the representation of the truth and meaning the meaning of the truth. Hope you GO WELL ~_^ <<<<PRODIGY>>>> Aim- 90+ (so help me god)
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    Any Ideas Please

    ahh i believe the yes men is a great related text, although you must be able to write the essay in cohesion with the your chosen text, it's not that hard if you follow the steps. GL!!!! :)
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    Secret to achieving 95+ in pdh???

    ty for the info tim, i really appreciate it and i won't study evryday lol but i'll try to go well hehe. TY TONNES!!!!! REALLY APPRECIATED!!!!!!!! :)
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    Possible Questions for Frontline

    wat bout the 2005 hsc question how would i approach that question??
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    Any Ideas Please

    btw i also got some notes that i might share with you.
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    Any Ideas Please

    well i'm going alright, i see english advanced as a demanding yet challenging course that pushes you to limits you never knew you could achieve. I'm also doing the module C: representation and text although i'm not doing that elective, GOOD LUCK MR INTEGRITY!!!! Let's hope you got enough...
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    Secret to achieving 95+ in pdh???

    It's all in the syllabus isn't it, my teacher told me that to succeed in this subject (a 95+) you must know every dot point in the syllabus so well that you can recall it when a person asks. Also writing notes for each dot-point is also the key and past hsc papers.
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    Secret to achieving 95+ in pdh???

    omg beanie ur such a life saver, i now know the basic principles to achieving in this course, well from what i've gathered i think it is; -Knowing the Syallubus inside out. - past hsc and trial (eg- catholic papers) exams. - Student exemplar answers and compare band 5/6 answers to 3/4...
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    Secret to achieving 95+ in pdh???

    ty beanie i really understood what you were saying. Basically what i understood was don't go to off topic and be concise with your answers. Use examples and up to date stats, by the way in my first assesment task i put in a graph which was from the australian health foundation and was about the...
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    Secret to achieving 95+ in pdh???

    Ty, from what i've gathered so far the MAIN thing is the syllabus. LEarn it inside out and then practice questions. Also getting extra texts that focus on the Syallubus is a good idea. Ty, and i'm still open to any more suggestions. :D
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    UAI calculation? Help???

    when will sam will be working again......... i wana check peoples uai's!!!!!!!!!