Search results

  1. smallcattle

    science faculty seems pretty quite..

    compared to the other UTS faculties... no science ppl come 2 BOS..??? although the degree im doing (MathsComp) is a science degree.. none of my rooms are at building 4....
  2. smallcattle

    science sucks at uni

    how can ppl sit in 1 room for 4hrs doing the same stuff week after week....
  3. smallcattle

    International Studies

    Hi Robert. I always wanted to ask you this question but never get the chance. I'll be doing Int Study major in Japan, what's the degree like.. do you learn alot of japanese language and when are you gonna do your in-country study??
  4. smallcattle

    Uts Room Help!!

    CM stand for City Market campus. 05C is the building number, 02 is the floor number, 44 is the room number
  5. smallcattle

    getting psyched up for uni?

    i dont feel like going...
  6. smallcattle

    Anyoen have late lectures/tuts?

    Monday, Maths1 Lecture, from 8pm to 9pm... anyone in the same lec/??
  7. smallcattle

    Cherry OS why not try this
  8. smallcattle

    which notebook rand is the best

    SONY, IBM, Toshiba,Apple
  9. smallcattle

    clubs & societies

    wot?? there is anime club?? definitely gonna join that... how can i live without anime..:D
  10. smallcattle

    New System doesnt allow Clashes???!!

    i dont know how 2 solve your problem.. but lol i'll be finishing my degree in 2010
  11. smallcattle

    new hdd

    how many gb are you getting?? make sure your motherboard supports them... cuz many motherboards dont support anything above 120gb..
  12. smallcattle

    BLURT - 28th Feb 05

    you start uni?
  13. smallcattle

    my subject activities

    humm? you get to choose which subjects to at at each semester?? how come i was given the specific order of the subjects to do for each semester,..
  14. smallcattle

    BLURT - 28th Feb 05

    i'll be one of them.. from 1pm to 9pm
  15. smallcattle

    Is this how Japanese view Chinese people?

    this is quite old news.. 1 yr ago? 2 yrs? i cant remember...
  16. smallcattle


    2 days off... nice :)
  17. smallcattle

    admin fees ?

    Havent received mine yet... when will they arrive..
  18. smallcattle

    new thread for new issue

    its the mid semester break.. u get a wk off between semesters
  19. smallcattle

    my subject activities

    CM is the haymarket campus.. u're doing Bus/Comp right?? that's where you'll do Bus anyone know how 2 read the location..?? for eg. CB10.4.470.. does that mean CB10, level 4, room 470??
  20. smallcattle

    Timetable goto this website, login, then click on the link on the top right which says "My Allocation", then, click on show grid. their, you'll see your AUT and SPR session timetable..