compared to the other UTS faculties... no science ppl come 2 BOS..???
although the degree im doing (MathsComp) is a science degree.. none of my rooms are at building 4....
Hi Robert. I always wanted to ask you this question but never get the chance.
I'll be doing Int Study major in Japan, what's the degree like.. do you learn alot of japanese language and when are you gonna do your in-country study??
CM is the haymarket campus.. u're doing Bus/Comp right?? that's where you'll do Bus
anyone know how 2 read the location..?? for eg. CB10.4.470.. does that mean CB10, level 4, room 470??
goto this website, login, then click on the link on the top right which says "My Allocation", then, click on show grid. their, you'll see your AUT and SPR session timetable..