Search results

  1. smallcattle

    So...what happens now?

    I can so understand ur feelin... most of the courses i want to do are within 2 marks from my UAI shown on the 2004 cutoffs... i am so nervous that i might not get any offers..
  2. smallcattle

    Shall i take PHY OR IPT????...plz help!

    dont take IPT it is one of the worst scaled subject ever..
  3. smallcattle

    5UAI points???

    where can i find this info?? and does it apply to anyone who applies for BIT in ANU??
  4. smallcattle

    [b]SIBT[/b] merged with another sibt thread

    thx for info =) do u know when is the closing date for the enrolment??
  5. smallcattle

    Can I ask, what UAI maybe required for Accounting/Finance?

    3 essays in 1 exam?? umm so that's like in HSC..
  6. smallcattle

    [b]SIBT[/b] merged with another sibt thread

    I am thinkin of SIBT as well.... need help...
  7. smallcattle

    Lets Make a Complaint about the poor scaling of SDD..

    SDD is so badly scaled.......i cant believe it its scaling is similar to standard english..
  8. smallcattle

    uai and sam uai

    Sam 78.75 2004 Uai 76.7
  9. smallcattle

    UAI's of around 79-84?

    Chem 73 Physics 79 Maths 2u 83 Maths 3u 33 English Std 68 SDD 80 UAI = 76.6
  10. smallcattle

    EAS priority?

    did u apply for EAS but?? most uni has closed to accept anymore EAS applications, UTS is one of them.
  11. smallcattle

    can i change my preferences after main round??

    is that a good thing or a bad thing???
  12. smallcattle

    what chinese dialect do you speak?

    I speak mando and shanghainess, i can understand canto however i can not talk in canto... =)
  13. smallcattle

    F.I.R - Fantasy in Reality. Cool taiwanese band!!!

    I can not agree more :p :p
  14. smallcattle

    China vs Taiwan

    hey dont hit shanghai... my parents are there =)
  15. smallcattle

    Whether to do 4U or not...

    If you can get 92 in 2U and 48 in 3U, there is no reason why you shouldnt take 4U
  16. smallcattle

    Any Advice??

    tafe, and then transfer.. ur options are limited..
  17. smallcattle

    Marks and UAI

    2U maths 83 3U maths 33 Standard english 68 physics 79 chemistry 73 SDD 80 UAI = 76.6
  18. smallcattle

    ok..this is confusing me

    no we wont. the cutoff for 2005 releases after the main round
  19. smallcattle

    ok..this is confusing me

    u'll have to make an estimate of the cutoff for 2005