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    Inequalties Question

    Here is my solution, having not done inequalities for sometime i used a purely algebraic approach which can become messy and result in stupid mistakes so if u do find any please post. EDIT: srry the last part is wrong x cannot be zero so the answer is x greater than 1 and smaller than 2...
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    Equation of intersector through two lines.

    I dont seem to understand what u have done :s here are my solutions hope this helps, Justin
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    What do you have for breakfast?

    weet bix
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    What Module are you guys up to?

    We are doing Quanta to Quarks i am suprised that no1 else in this thread is aswell i thought it was the most popular
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    chem question - answer them if u think ur smart;

    No because the number of moles in each solution is differant. His working is a hard to interprit but it is correct, u c i think u guys are over looking the fact that it is 520 mL of 0.00790 M HCl as in we have 520ml of a 0.0079mol/L solution. so in his 1st step he is calculating how many...
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    Depletion Zone

    Thank you so much i totaly over looked that. So the now Negative P type will repel the electrons from the N type and visa versa (is that correct ???) Also what about the holes in the negative p type, what do they do once the P type becomes negative ??? Justin
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    What Chem Module u up to

    We doing it cause its the only thing our teacher knows lol EDIT: lol nah she a gud teacher its just she teach it so long she doesnt want to change and that it is easy
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    Depletion Zone

    how does recombination (hole and electron canceling) leave behind posistive and negative ions which repel the holes and electrons in a P and N junction. Wont these atoms be neutral ??? Thanks in advance Justin
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    What do you guys think of Mitsubishi FTO's?

    ok after re-reading this i realised my words are too harsh and unfair. Honestly i dont know jack about FTO's but i do like supra's simply because of the style and the stock 320 horses (240kw) i still stand by that which the supra or FTO ???
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    What do you guys think of Mitsubishi FTO's?

    IMO the fto is like a lil bitch wanna be supra lol Just remember thats my opinion so yeah i wouldnt advise to get it, but if u like it go for it !
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    Why 1=2...

    yeah u cannot do that cause u should have 2AB/(A+B)
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    100 uai

    lol then dont study like ss but get marks like him, he is like 1st in the state for 4u and already has 95+ hsc mark for 3u. But honeslty its just that number 1 rank in school and a high deviation from the others, then like ss said pwn the hsc lol EDIT: I always thought u went to James...
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    100 uai

    Just study like SS, cause he will get 100uai
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    how many assesments do you have before trials???

    I have 3u, 4u, chem 1-2 weeks before the trials :( but after the holidays :)
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    Current Song I've Played to Death

    Coolio ft. Snoop Dogg - Gangsta Walk
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    Cambridge Poly p.136 Q10(a)

    sorry i didnt check your method its just i dnt like maths on computer screens lol anyway here is my solution: EDIT: wow that came out massive lol
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    need help from all of you

    what type of scanning have you run through (x-ray, CT scan, PET scan, etc)? what the purpose of undergoes that scan? your name male or female? your occupation? x-ray Broken bones, orthadonic treatment (braces) Justin Male Student
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    Thermionic valves

    well according to the syllabus we don't, from my expericance Jacaranda does tend to have additional interest information. But if u are doing age of silicon it might come up
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    when did you learn Newton's 1st , 2nd and 3rd Law?

    In school we learnt it in yr 9/10 science but i myself in yr 7/8