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  1. SkimDawg

    Hsc 2008 Accurate Question Predictions

    I reckon something on CFC and ozone will bein it this year, maybe not ext. response though. At least two pracs for core, and (if unlucky) two pracs for shipwrecks. A decent sized haber process question sounds likely, was it even mentioned last year? And some eutrophication in the short answer...
  2. SkimDawg

    All Practicals:

    Nice, I know all of them, except factors that effect the rate of electrolysis. Would that be the solution content, open to air, ect?
  3. SkimDawg

    2004 q14

    D. The negative terminal is the anode where oxidation will occur. Metal z has the highest voltage, compared to Pb, when it is the anode and is therefore the metal most likely to oxidise. This is followed by y then Pb. Increasing ease of oxidation means that the least likely to oxidise is placed...
  4. SkimDawg

    Question Chain Thread !!!

    Sigh I missed the 2 H ions at the start, and got the base in excess. Silly mistakes ftw.
  5. SkimDawg

    Do you got the success 1 book? Please tell me the answer to this

    27) 9.60 x 10^-3 mol/L 26b) Ba(2+) must be added first to identify if sulfate ions are present. Chloride will not precipitate at this stage. In the final stage the Ag(+) will precipitate the chloride present
  6. SkimDawg


    Not esters. I would have to say the one on identifying alkanes and alkenes (bromine liquid in cyclohexane/ene).
  7. SkimDawg

    UAI Guess Competition

    User: SkimDawg UAI Guess: 81.75 Actual UAI: Date Signed: November 5th, 2008
  8. SkimDawg

    Question Chain Thread !!!

    A bit off-topic, what is the most popular optional topic?
  9. SkimDawg

    Question Chain Thread !!!

    Arrhenius; stated that ACIDS produced H+ IONS when in WATER. He proposed the idea that acids disassociate into their ions when they are dissolved in water. Thus, he hypothesised that acids release a H+ when in an aqueous solution. He also said that bases release OH־ ions in aqueous solutions...
  10. SkimDawg

    Wrond date!?

    Whoa 16 years of marking, you would've almost seen it all by now hey?
  11. SkimDawg

    Band 6 Cut Off???

    Yep, whole class left after 1 hour, I was left there for a lonely 2 hours lol.
  12. SkimDawg

    Past Paper Solutions These are 2001, 2002, 2005 and 2006.
  13. SkimDawg

    General Thoughts - Physics

    Are you serious? 87? jesus lol
  14. SkimDawg

    what is the first-hand investigation on pH of salt solutions?

    I know what your trying to say, its just that, its ALOT harder to remember when you havent actually done the prac, hence harder to remember from notes instead of personal experience. Get what im saying?
  15. SkimDawg

    what is the first-hand investigation on pH of salt solutions?

    Yeah thanks for pointing that out man...heaps appreciated. I dont think I need to elaborate on this, my sarcasm is clear.
  16. SkimDawg

    If they ask about the production of polyethylene

    They had it in the 2007 paper, but then again, bos can be lame and repeat qu's that everyone went bad on the previous year
  17. SkimDawg

    what is the first-hand investigation on pH of salt solutions?

    Yeah this has also helped me. Fucken I swear, my teachers must've missed like 10 pracs. That physics Q16 today was gay because we didn't do it, so I just made Hertz's experiment instead (they dont know haha).
  18. SkimDawg

    Medical Physics - TOMOGRAPHY

    lol well im set, just what I did :D
  19. SkimDawg

    General Thoughts - Software Design and Development

    Hey all, how did you go, the good/bad, ect. I found it a good paper, but lack of study was an influence on how well I went lol.
  20. SkimDawg

    well that was a bit evil

    I didn't ike the paper at first, but as I looked closely, it got better and better. Sigh I have to leave for gay SDD in like 5 mins..