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  1. SkimDawg

    Why do you think Physics is so hard?

    Indepedant study is actually the best way for learning anyways. If you teach other people, its even better as you retain alot more.
  2. SkimDawg

    ITT: We go through the 3U paper and post up answers.

    Oh shit, i put my solution in so many minutes, not the time..
  3. SkimDawg


    Who finished the inverse function? I graphed it but could get rid of the extra fucking y. ive obviously missed something.
  4. SkimDawg

    CELEBRATION - Free from Maths Ext forever!

    Maths was the best aye, it was the easiest to study for, the most fun to do (lol), and it earnt its title as "unforgiving".
  5. SkimDawg

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    Re: How did you guys go? I thought it was quite hard. Q1 - 4 were straightforward, and then it kind of went gay. Ran out of time, only managed to do 2 parts in Q7. hopefully 50/84 raw? haha
  6. SkimDawg

    The Meissner Effect

    Thank you Lucid Scintilla for finally wrapping up this thread, it should've been answered in like 2 - 3 posts, but no...
  7. SkimDawg

    Who didnt read Brave New World?

    I didnt read Emma, well actually I read half of it, but the context is enough to get by, and it was sooooooooo fuckinnggggg boring. Chapters talking about picnics and cakes, wow what fun
  8. SkimDawg

    08 exam- raw mark

    Just aim as high as you can, setting perameters is possibly the worst thing you can do for yourself.
  9. SkimDawg

    Hsc 1990-1999

    I've seen 2 finance qu's so far, Q2 and a Q6. Very easy, just a few different things. I'm doing the 1999 paper atm, and its very stagithforward, back onto discussion haha.
  10. SkimDawg

    Good Luck

    Good luck everyone, hopefully it wont be too shit.
  11. SkimDawg

    The"I'm fucked" thread.

    Im doing the 2006 paper atm. Its not bad until about Q5, then it really sucks arse. Can anyone do the induction q? I've never seen a trig induction q before. Anyway I think tomorrow will be alright, as long as they dont spam us with Q7 binomial shit, which will proberaly happen, as 2007 had no...
  12. SkimDawg

    Quick Answers To Some Questions!

  13. SkimDawg

    Quick Answers To Some Questions!

    Looks like I got at least 6/12 for Q10 lol. I fucked up Q5a) though.
  14. SkimDawg

    What do u think u got?

    Around 100 - 110. Maybe a low band 6 if im lucky
  15. SkimDawg

    General thoughts: Mathematics

    Re: General thoughts Not bad, i ran out of time to do Q9b, skipped it and did the rest of the paper.
  16. SkimDawg

    The Easiest 2 Unit Math Paper Ever!! - 2008

    Was challenging i think, there was a few trick questions here and there.
  17. SkimDawg

    Good luck tomorrow guys! (including some last tips)

    Good luck everyone, hopefully q10b isnt so gay this year haha.
  18. SkimDawg

    Hardest 3U HSC

    2006, every question i swear had a twist to it..
  19. SkimDawg

    What was the hardest HSC paper?

    Im doing that paper right now haha, up to q10 and got 107/120 so far.
  20. SkimDawg

    Band 6 - what raw marks?

    Im sick to death of seeing this same post in every subject...seriously. It depends on the paper, like what millions of people have said before.