Search results

  1. Mr_Shrimp

    PlayStation Portable (PSP)

    EB trade ins are always a major rip off. If the deal wasn't on, I was only gonna get ~$65 for the trade-in. Thats why its so good that theres no exclusions, I got rid of all those crappy old PS2 games that I've never traded in before because they always were excluded.
  2. Mr_Shrimp

    I've done it again...

    To avoid screwing something up like that again, just use two simple things that can be found with 2 simple google searches. Spybot search and destroy and Adaware Use these programs to get rid of those unwanted pop-ups and search bars that randomly install themselves rather than going...
  3. Mr_Shrimp

    DotA anyone?

    My brother plays it non-stop. Well, he did, then he got WoW and played that non-stop. Then he let his WoW account run out of credit because he had exams and now he's back on DotA :| He's in some clan... TCC i think? His name is Samus or Samus_, I can't remember which. You'll probably run into...
  4. Mr_Shrimp

    PlayStation Portable (PSP)

    i've preordered a PSP from EB but their first shipment is sold out so i won't get it till next week. did the trade in 10 PS2 games and get $100 off thing. Gonna get Metal Gear Ac!d. Me loves Metal Gear.. even if it is really different...*salivates*
  5. Mr_Shrimp

    mysterious skin

    I'll be seeing it real soon. I also wanna see Tarnation.
  6. Mr_Shrimp

    Free Opera Browser Resistration Codes

    Yeah, I got mine about an hour ago. 'Tis delicious.
  7. Mr_Shrimp

    Harry Potter fanfiction

    The best H/D ones are SWAS by Maxine-chan (smut), Underwater Light by Maya (story), Eclipse by PhoenixSong (story) and Beautiful World by Cinammon (ZOMG). Yeah, I'm a guy, get over it :D
  8. Mr_Shrimp

    Books turned into movies

    books and film are two totally different mediums that really can't be compared so simply. Of course they have to cut things from books for the movies, they are movies, not accurate representations. Books are aimed at a somewhat different audience than many films. I'd say that there are some...
  9. Mr_Shrimp

    How did you find/hear about us?

    teacher and stumbled across it while looking for stuff about School certificate last year. Very much doubt you look at this thread anymore but what the hell, noticed you are in Hornsby. I'm in Mt Colah and go to Asquith Boys. Where'd you go? Asquith? Normanhurst? Somewhere else entirely???