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  1. D

    programming tutoring?

    can you go away? seriously. that post is as non-constructive as your first one. if someone wishes to learn vb then who are you to say any different. fyi vb is a good language to be introduced to for programming. im not going to get into an arguement over that, create a new thread for that and GO...
  2. D

    programming tutoring?

    how much should i charge per hour for the lessons? got a few people interested.
  3. D

    Question on sex.

    i luv u. i hate people who think that being gay is a sin (im not gay), it's your life, do with it what you want. if god didnt want gays in this world, he wouldnt have given us free choice to do what we want. that said, i dont believe in the bible, i believe in some 'higher being' but i...
  4. D

    programming tutoring?

    anyone in reasonable distance to asquith/hornsby area interested in this at all ? can drop me a line at
  5. D

    software design

    well i hope u get well in this because you obviously didn't get very well in english.abhi_89 lol it was an 'alright' exam but there were a few snags with the algorithms. finished with 10mins left
  6. D

    programming tutoring?

    ive taught 2 of my friends visualbasic6 and they are quite good at it now. and i am good at explaining things to people and good communication skills. if i find that there IS an interest in tutoring vb6 then i will make up a schedule of things to teach and order etc, which i already have in my...
  7. D

    programming tutoring?

    i dont publically distribute my programs but here is a list of things ive made. -functioning address book with username/password encryption. -lotto game -ping pong -AI monitoring program (submitted for major work 4 the HSC and got 92% i think) -bouncing balls on the screen with physics -base...
  8. D

    programming tutoring?

    now for a proper response.
  9. D

    programming tutoring?

    anyone tutored programming before. doing my SDD exam 2moz for HSC and ive done certificateIII in IT at TAFE and im very good at visual basic 6 programming> just wondering if anyone has done tutoring in this area before (or is interested in BEING tutored.) and what your thoughts are. ive got 3...
  10. D

    diploma of software applications?

    since they arent teaching C++ wouldnt that kind of limit the graduates possibilities for entering the market since C++ is basically industry standard for games. im not sure if i even want to do programming as a career anymore with all the recent discussions about high work hours, low pay and...
  11. D

    diploma of software applications?

    hehe ye we mite. and i will b doing it at hornsby tafe. same place i did cert3. wen was the info evening? i rang up and the lady said its like 6th november or something. maybe they hav more than 1. i thought they would teach C++ since it's the industry standard in game programming? i already...
  12. D

    diploma of software applications?

    im going for this course in 07 at hornsby TAFE. 2 years full time (24HPW). its the game programming diploma. anyone doing (or done) this course ? if you've done it what are your thoughts? i think its a new course so i dunno if anyone has done it.... i also did certIII in IT in 2005 (18month part...
  13. D

    question 16 ?

    i think that was it. this was the only question i was unable to answer. it was a 3 marker question and asked you to work out the amount of energy required to move an object 80000km away from a planet knowing that it takes 1MJ of energy to move it from 10000 to 20000. i was starting to use the...
  14. D

    General thoughts on the exam

    i actually did really well. was able to answer all of the questions and all the high markers (5 6 and 7 marker (astro)) i am confident that i did well in them. im aiming to get 75-85 in that exam.
  15. D

    What are people creating for the HSC?

    I'm making artificial intelligence for my major. the pink thing will change it's path to avoid the ball(s) on the screen. it's very hard and can avoid any number of objects on the screen, although, for my major submission it will only have to avoid 1, but can avoid as many as the memory of the...