It's a fad, dieting doesn't work really... well, fad diets. Just be healthy!!!
I met a girl on sunday morning who was on it.
god knows what I said to her, it was 4am and I was peaking tits.
nah like the days between not having taken your pill and getting your period.. 2 days.
period sex = oh god.
once i thought my period was bleeding for 24hrs... and yeah it wasn't :(
yeah, like i feel weird skipping it.
i often do
but you can't skip it forever... plus i find i bloat a bit.
i asked my doctor and she said its harmful if you skip it for 5months +
you'd be surprised.
i can't say i enjoy raves at all, i've been to 3 and they were really boring and i left two of them after an hour and the other i slept in the car
yeah my bmi is like 18 too
i'm 168cm and go from 50 - 52kg
bmi is just bullshit anyway because it doens't take things like bone mass, muscle mass etc into account.
i'm not particularly thin.
i guess it just annoys me when virgins do the whole high and mighty thing, i'm so good, look at me you WHORE.
I mean it isn't black and white. I think sleeping around is kind've gross.
bleh whatever.
i'll cut off my hair and give it to you...
the only ones worth getting are the racoon method, or the great lengths ones..
clip in ones become disgusting really quickly.
however you'll be paying a lot more for both :(
So... I just completed the School Certificate... (zomg lyk here we come HSC 2010!) and I was studying for eight hours every day... now I don't know what to do with my time when I get home from school...
Any suggestions?
Should I re-read my textbooks?